Lime Class News
8th November 2024
Our topic for Autumn 2 is Celebrations. On Monday, the children watched a video clip about Bonfire Night on Cbeebies My First Festivals and then went on to create their own firework pictures using wet chalk on black sugar paper. They also used salt painting to create a firework effect. It has been lovely to see the children so absorbed in the process of first adding salt to PVA glue firework patterns and then watching how the paint spreads out quickly as it reacts to the salted glue. We are all delighted with our spectacular firework display! This week, the children have also been learning about birthday celebrations. They have made signed birthday cards for one another. Kaiden has already received his card!
Maths Problem Solving Workshop
On Monday afternoon, the children took part in a maths problem solving workshop, which took place at the village hall. The workshop was led by Liam who did a great job of explaining the different 2D shape related activities to the children and thereafter building on their knowledge and skills. The children worked so well in small teams of two or three. It was lovely to see them collaborating so well together in the problem solving process.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Louie Pope for always putting so much care and detail into his work and also for doing so much terrific reading practice at home. Well done Louie!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
First we make firework shapes with glue
Then we add salt to the PVA glue
Finally we watch as the paint reacts to the salt and glue
Maths problem solving with Liam
Using wet chalk to create our firework pictures
25th October 2024
Animals in Fairy Tales
This week, Lime Class children have been enjoying a range of fairy tales featuring animals. They have completed story sequencing activities for Goldilocks and Red Riding Hood. The children have practised acting out The Three Little Pigs in small groups using finger puppets. After the practice, the children performed their finger puppet show to the rest of the class. These activities are such an effective way of developing children’s knowledge and awareness of story structure, in preparation for their own story writing.
Lime Class children are clearly enjoying their PE sessions with Mr Passman. On Wednesday afternoons, Mr Passman has been teaching the children to practise and perform a marching technique. They have practised this as individuals and have also managed to march in unison as a whole class. On Friday mornings, Mr Passman has been very impressed with the children’s counting skills in Active Maths. They have been applying their knowledge of numbers up to 10 in a range of activities involving balls and hoops. Mr Passman has been really impressed with the children’s overall progress since they started school in September.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Izzy Newton for doing her best in all areas of the curriculum. Izzy has particularly impressed us with her independent writing this week. Well done Izzy!
Have a Lovely Half-term Everyone!
Exploring capacity with beads
Exploring capacity with sand
Exploring capacity with water
Look how many blue balls we have found!
Marching in formation
On the hunt for yellow balls for our yellow hoop
Quick March
18th October 2024
Animal Life Cycles
This week, Lime Class children have been learning about animal life cycles. They started off the week listening and responding to The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. They went on to complete a sequencing activity for this story which really helped them with their learning of the days of the week and number ordering too. On Tuesday, the children learned about the four stages of a butterfly life cycle and completed their own butterfly life cycle diagrams. The Life Cycle Song by Scratch Garden has been a real hit with the children and has certainly enhanced their learning. They have also completed a frog life cycle diagram.
Wellbeing Wednesday
Lime Class children have been enjoying the scheme Waves of Wellbeing on a Wednesday morning. They have been learning about a different sea creature each week. So far, they have learned about the hermit crab, pacific salmon, sea otter and zebra seahorse. Every sea creature in the scheme has an interesting attribute that links to lots of different wellbeing themes, from coping with changes to understanding grief. This helps improve children’s understanding of their own feelings and also helps to give them wellbeing skills to cope with different situations. For example, this week the children have been learning about the zebra seahorse. Zebra seahorses enjoy calm, tranquil waters. However, strong currents and storms can make the waters turbulent and stressful. Seahorses anchor themselves in order to ride out the storm and remain calm. In the same way, we can stay calm during difficult situations and remember that the storm will pass.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Finley Allard-Wood for being such a cheerful, caring and conscientious Lime Class pupil! Thank you Finley for sharing that beautiful smile with us all!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Ordering leaves from biggest to smallest
Ordering sticks from shortest to longest
Story Sequencing for The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The zebra seahorse helps us learn about keeping calm.
We are learning about the life cycle of a butterfly
We are learning about the life cycle of a frog
11th October 2024
Phonics Information Afternoon
Many thanks to all parents who attended our phonics information session on Monday afternoon. Please click on the link for Twinkl Phonics Level 2 Sounds and Actions for further guidance on letter sound pronunciation, as discussed at the meeting. Lime Class pupils have all been given a password and username for the online reading website Reading Eggs. It is a good idea for the children to go through the different stages of Fast Phonics first. The games will really help them with identifying letter sounds and blending them together for reading.
- E.
Our R.E. unit of work this term is titled God/Creation and poses the question ‘Why is God important to Christians?’ This week, the children have been learning about The Creation Story by responding to God’s Very Colourful Creation by Tim Thornborough. They have completed some beautiful drawings to make their own Creation Story display. The children have also thought about the question ‘Why did God make jellyfish?’ and have had a lot of fun with some paper plate jellyfish craft. On Wednesday morning, Rev. Alex visited Lime Class for a Curriculum in Church session. The children listened beautifully as Rev. Alex talked about Harvest and shared The Bishop’s Harvest Appeal 2024.
This week the children have enjoyed listening to the story ‘Have you filled a bucket today?’ The author Carol McCloud describes everyone as having an invisible bucket. If we choose to be kind, we not only fill the buckets of those around us, but also fill our OWN bucket! Conversely, when we choose to say or do mean things, we are dipping into buckets. Bucket dippers not only upset the people around them but they end up dipping into their own buckets too. Lime Class children have understood this concept well and are keen to be the best bucket fillers!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Charlotte Federico for showing such enthusiasm and interest in all aspects of school life! Thank you Charlotte for bringing so much joy to our classroom!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Drawing plants and flowers for the Creation Story
Learning to write 'ck' in phonics
Making paper plate jellyfish
Our Creation Story Display
Our jellyfish door display
Painting the background for our Creation Story display
Happy Weekend Everyone!
4th October 2024
Jungle Animals
This week, our Animal topic learning has been focused on jungle animals. We started off the week with the wonderfully colourful story of Rumble in the Jungle by Giles Andreae. Lime Class children already know the names of so many jungle animals. They did an amazing job of drawing their own jungle animals by copying flashcards. We love our jungle animal drawing display. The children have also been learning to sing Animal Boogie accompanied by Mrs Price on guitar. There are plenty of verses to learn still! Another popular song this week has been Walking through the Jungle by Barefoot Books. The children have loved singing along to this one and doing lots of animal actions too.
This week in Maths, Lime Class children have been developing their knowledge of repeating patterns. At the beginning of the week, they copied an alternating AB pattern using 2 colours and then moved onto copying an ABC pattern using 3 colours. The catchy Patterns Practice song by Scratch Garden has been an effective way of helping the children learn more about repeating patterns. The children have applied their pattern knowledge in different ways this week e.g. with animal models, dinosaur stickers and a range of natural and man-made objects. It has been lovely to observe the children build on their learning with enjoyment and independence.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Zuri Howard for being such an all round superstar! Thank you Zuri for being such a polite, hardworking and kind pupil. Zuri is a beautiful singer too. Well done Zuri!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Look at our Rumble in the Jungle animal drawings!
Making repeating patterns with natural and manmade materials.
My repeating pattern is dog, lion, tiger, dog, lion, tiger.
Our repeating pattern is sheep, pig, horse, sheep, pig, horse
Repeating Patterns in Lime Class
We can make dinosaur repeating patterns.
We can make repeating patterns with dinosaur and googly eye stickers.
27th September 2024
Learning Through Play
Lime Class children have settled so well into our class routine and observe our visual timetable closely on a daily basis. After completing a structured topic activity in the mornings and a maths activity in the afternoon, the children choose their own Learning Through Play activities. Play is a key factor in how children learn and create meaning. Play develops children’s cognitive skills as well as their social, emotional and physical wellbeing. It has been lovely to see how their play has developed since the beginning of term in so many different ways.
Lime Class children are fortunate to be receiving Bikeability lessons from Mrs Pinn and Mrs Tack on a Friday morning. Small groups of children will be taking turns to join Mrs Pinn and Mrs Tack for a sequence of lessons on our balance bikes. So far, the lessons have focused on putting cycle helmets on independently, picking up the bikes safely and walking with their bikes in a straight line. Thank you Mrs Pin and Mrs Tack for teaching the children such important skills.
Forest Friday
Although our forest area is temporarily out of bounds due to the building project, Lime Class children continue to enjoy the school’s natural environment on a Friday afternoon. Last week, the children used a wide range of natural materials to make face pictures. Huge thanks to Miss Austin and Miss Brooker for providing the children with such a valuable experience with nature!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to William for being such a positive, well behaved and helpful pupil. William takes lots of initiative when tidying up. Thank you William and Well done!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
I can use natural materials to make a face picture.
Learning to put on helmets and pick up bikes safely and independently
Learning to walk with our balance bikes
Look at our brick model! We work so well as a team.
My face picture has a happy smile.
Our pet shop is busy today.
Teamwork and Friendship in play
20th September 2024
Animals and their Young
This week, Lime Class children have been learning about Animals and their young ones. They started off the week by listening to Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson. This story is about an infant monkey who has lost its mum and a butterfly who helps him find her. After the story, the children enjoyed cutting out shapes and sticking them together to make their own monkey pictures. On Tuesday, the children learned about the different names given to young animals and completed a cutting and sticking activity matching mother animals with their offspring. They have also learned a song to help them remember the names given to young animals. It has been great to observe the gradual improvement in the children’s cutting skills as the week has gone on.
Matching in Maths
For Maths this week, the children have been having fun with matching games and activities. They have enjoyed matching pairs with a range of memory games on Word Wall and sorting socks on ICT games. The children have practised their matching skills using buttons and socks. At the end of the week, they have been so proud to make matching towers using Multi-Link.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Runa Henry for being such a cheerful, caring and conscientious member of Lime Class. Well done Runa for such a positive start to school life!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
We are practising our cutting and sticking skills.
We can make matching towers
We can match baby animals with their mothers
We can match buttons
We can match socks.
We can put shapes together to make a monkey picture
13th September 2024
Welcome to the New Lime Class
We give a huge Welcome to our new Lime Class of 2024-25 and say a big ‘Well Done’ for making such a good start to school life! As every day has passed this week, the children have clearly become more settled and comfortable in their new learning environment. Mrs Price and Miss Austin have been already impressed with the children’s interest and enthusiasm for learning.
Mysterious Egg
Our topic this half term is Animals. Last week, the children enjoyed listening to the story ‘I want a pet’ by Lauren Child. In this story, a little girl called Jane can’t make up her mind which pet she wants to buy from the pet shop. In the end, the pet shop lady persuades Jane to buy an egg. In this way, her pet will be a total surprise. On Monday morning this week, the children were amazed to find a mysterious looking egg in their classroom with a letter beside it. Mrs Price opened the letter and read it to the children. It was from Jane, the little girl in the story. Jane has had to go on holiday and has asked Lime Class to look after her egg. The children have had lots of ideas about what animal may hatch out of it e.g. could it be a bird, snake, dragon, dinosaur or penguin? As the week has gone on, different cracks have appeared on the egg.
The Egg Hatches!
On Thursday morning, the children were excited to see even more cracks in the egg. They sat in a circle and passed the egg carefully around. There were squeals of delight when finally the egg hatched and a rather large baby ostrich popped out! Since the arrival of our baby ostrich, the children have been curious to learn interesting ostrich facts. They have named our ostrich ‘Doddles’ and have painted some wonderful ostrich pictures-[see photos]
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Albert McDonnell for making such a terrific start to school life. Initially, Albert felt a bit uneasy but he has quickly overcome any worries and is now showing lots of positivity, interest and confidence. Well done Albert for being such a good role model!
Please remember to hear your child read as often as possible and write your comments in the reading diary. Many thanks for naming clothing items and water bottles so clearly. However, we are still finding several unnamed sweatshirts and cardigans and we don’t want your children to lose anything. Please can you double check that items are named. We really appreciate your support in this.
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
I think I can hear something inside the egg
We can see some cracks in the egg
Look! It is a baby ostrich!
Learning through Play in Lime Class
Look at our ostrich display!
Ready to serve customers in our Pet Shop!
Using paint with forks for ostrich feather effects
We are proud of our ostrich paintings!
We are ready for learning in Lime Class!
19th July 2024
Lime Class 2023-24
It is hard to believe that this has been our last week with our Lime Class pupils of 2023-24. What an amazing year it has been with these fabulous children! We wish all the children all the best for Year 1 in Larch Class and look forward to hearing about their progress-and seeing them around school of course! Many thanks to all parents for showing such support throughout the year too! On behalf of Miss Austin, Mr Passman, Miss Brooker and myself [Mrs Price] an extra big thank you to all Lime Class parents for the incredibly generous gift vouchers, cards with the loveliest of messages and thoughtful gifts! You have certainly set us up for the summer!
Rock Steady Concert
On Tuesday afternoon, we were all treated to a wonderful Rock Steady concert in the village hall led by Dan. Dan does such an amazing job of inspiring the children with musical confidence. Even from one concert to the next, the progress made by all children is so impressive! As a Lime Class teacher, I can not help but be extra proud of our EYFS band members. Huge well done to Ellie on vocals, Azlaan, Ella and Aston on guitar and Isla on drums! We are so proud of you all!
Sports Day
On Wednesday morning, Sutton Lower pupils had a brilliant time on Sports Day led by Mr Passman. All the children did so well in the running races and relays, showing great team work and sportsmanship. It was lovely to see so many parent spectators, cheering on the children. The unexpected sunny weather was a real bonus. Huge congratulations goes to the winning team, Red Rhinos! Many thanks to Mr Passman for all his hard work with the children over the year and for organising this fabulous event.
Have a Wonderful Summer Holiday Everyone!
12th July 2024
Vehicle Models
Lime Class children have had a wonderful time making their shoe box vehicle models in DT. Firstly, the children painted their shoe boxes. Next, they drew windows with passengers and fixed these to their vehicle chassis. They also cut out yellow circles for head lights and created a personalized number plate, using a mix of letters from their name and numbers. Then the children attached axles to the chassis and added wooden wheels. We used rubber bands for washers. Finally, the children tested their vehicles. It has been lovely to watch the children experience such awe and wonder as they observe their vehicle roll perfectly in front of them. The children carried out a thorough test drive in the playground. We were all on stand by with spare rubber bands but miraculously none were needed!
Sutton Challenge
Huge thanks to all parents for their support in the Sutton Challenge. We have been blown away by the very high standard of entries. The Sutton Challenge has done wonders for the children’s self-esteem and wellbeing. They have taken such pride in presenting their evidence to the rest of the class. We have been especially impressed by a wide range of well composed and assertive letters to the council!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Hope Neale for being such a positive, conscientious and resilient learner. Hope’s reading is amazing too. Well done Hope! We are so proud of you.
Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!
Painting the chassis
Adding windows to our vehicles
Adding wheels and axles
Testing our vehicles
All our vehicles roll well
There is no stopping our vehicle models!
Look at all our fabulous vehicles!
5th July 2024
Sports for Schools
Lime Class children had such an amazing start to the week with our Sports for Schools Athlete Event. The sponsored event was hosted by the Paralympic Skier and Adventurer Sean Rose. Sean did a wonderful job of organising the whole school into groups of five for a sequence of four different exercises: Spotty Dog, Mountain Climbers, Press ups or Frog Jumps and finishing with Star Jumps. The children carried out each exercise for a whole minute. This maybe doesn’t sound very long but a minute of star jumps is no easy feat-the teachers had to join in at the end of the session! Lime Class children completed their exercises with lots of energy and determination. Following on from the exercise session, Sean Rose gave a talk to the children. Sean is a double winter Paralympian as well as a skiing and water skiing champion. A freak ski accident in 2000 broke his back and left him paralysed from the waist down. Sean’s message for us is to make the most of every opportunity and never give up even when things seem to go wrong. Sean Rose is certainly an inspirational example of the power of positivity, resilience and determination. Thank you so much Sean! We will always remember your message for sure!
Another exciting event for the children this week has been our trip to the RSPB on Tuesday afternoon. We all had a fabulous time together starting with a picnic around picnic tables. The children were so well behaved. Luckily, the weather behaved itself too! The children had lots of fun in the natural play area after lunch and thereafter observed many interesting natural features on the Woodpecker Trail. One of the highlights for our class was observing birds interacting with each other at the pond hide. All of the children were immersed in silence as they took in the wonder of nature here. They also loved running up and sliding down a very sandy hill- sorry about the dirty clothes! The two wooden recliners were a welcome place for some relaxation. We timed it so that all the children had a turn on these[see photos].All in all, it was a very special time for everyone. Huge thanks to Emma Bygrave, Terri Drury and George Price for being such great group leaders!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Olivia Drury for always working hard and trying her best. We love how Olivia has grown so much in confidence too. Well done Olivia!
Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!
Frog jumps, mountain climbers and spotty dogs
Star jumps, press ups and mountain climbers
Sean's positivity, resilience and determination are so inspirational!
Fun times with Olivia's mum!
Lunch is lovely with Isla's mum!
Picnic with Mr Price
RSPB trip July 2024
We can see lots of wildlife when we are quiet and still.
We so love these wooden recliners!
28th June 2024
Water Transport
This week, our topic focus has been on Water Transport. The children have been naming and identifying a wide range of vehicles that can travel on water. They have also written story recounts for Who Sank the Boat? by Pamel Allen and The Boat Journey. The story ‘Who sank the boat?’ has been a great introduction for our science investigation this week on Floating and Sinking. The children found it hard to believe that it was actually the mouse who sank the boat by tipping the balance. ‘The Boat Journey’ is a moral story about a bird, rat, beetle and ant, who collectively work to teach the selfish frog a lesson. The children have completed some lovely pieces of writing about this story too.
Our children have really enjoyed finding out about Floating and Sinking this week. Outside, they were given the challenge of making a 1p coin float on water, using just a square of foil and a 1p coin. At first, the children watched in dismay as their 1p coins sank to the bottom of the water tray. Gradually, the children realised that if they shaped their foil square into a boat shape, the 1p coin would float within it. It has been wonderful to see the joy on the children’s faces as they managed to keep those coins afloat! Indoors, the children’s challenge has been to test a given set of objects to see if they float or sink. The children have made predictions and recorded their results on a table.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Clemmie Ferrari-Wills for always working hard and putting lots of care into her drawing and writing. Well done Clemmie!
Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!
Look! I have several coins floating
Metal coins sink quickly
Our 1p coins are floating now
Summer Fun in Lime
We can record our results on a table
We have learned a lot about floating and sinking
Yay! If we make boat shapes with the foil, our 1p coins can float
21st June 2024
Book Share
It was lovely to see so many happy pupils and parents at our Book Share on Monday afternoon this week. Lime Class children are clearly very proud of the work they have done in their books. They have come such a long way in their learning since they started school in September. It was great to see such interest and curiosity on the faces of younger siblings too. Those younger siblings are already finding their bearings!
Our RE topic for this half term is Special Stories and poses the question: ‘Which stories are specially valued in religion and why?’ The children have thought about the importance of the Bible for Christians, the Qur’an for Muslims and the Torah for Jews. This week, they have had a wonderful time making their own mini Torahs. On Monday, they tea stained long strips of paper for a parchment effect. They then glued the tea-stained paper to mini rolling pins. The final stage on Monday was to decorate felt covers for their Torahs with sticker jewels. On Tuesday, the children were excited to identify their own Torah and write a personal prayer to God on their scroll. They then took turns to read their prayers out to the rest of the class. They have such beautiful thoughts and ideas!
Curriculum in the Church
Our R.E. learning has been further developed this week with a Curriculum in the Church session with Rev Alex. He told the story of St Thomas, linking this to the theme of Changes. Lime Class children have expressed lots of positivity about the forthcoming changes at our school. Thank you for this lovely session Rev. Alex!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Lottie Gregory for putting so much care into making her mini Torah in RE this week and for being such a practical helper in the classroom. Well done Lottie!
Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!
First we tea stain our scrolls for a parchment effect
Next we attach the paper to mini roller pins
Writing our own special prayers to God
4. Decorating our Torah covers
Reading out our prayers to the class
Look at our completed mini Torahs!
Curriculum in Church with Rev. Alex
We love sharing the work we have done at school
Younger siblings love Book Share Too!
14th June 2024
Sutton Green Wheel Active Travel Event
The children have thoroughly enjoyed our Active Travel Event on Wednesday afternoon this week. They especially enjoyed seeing the fire-engine and riding on the bikes. The recycling conveyor belt has certainly helped the children to understand more about recyclable materials. The CPR demonstration has also been another important learning point for the children. Here are a few of our children’s comments: “I got four stickers”, “I liked recycling”, “I bought sweets and cookies there”, “I enjoyed seeing the fire-engine and getting inside it”, “I liked watching them helping someone when they couldn’t breathe”. We have been so impressed with all the Lime Class entries for the Dream Bike Design competition. Huge congratulations goes to Aston Kibler-Eke for 1st prize and Abigail McBride for 2nd prize. We loved all the designs!
Mr Passman has been so delighted with Lime Class children’s efforts in Athletics. They have been learning to do the high jump by accelerating from a standing start, pushing off the back leg to raise the front leg for the jump and remembering to bring the back leg over the high jump bar too. The high jump bar starts off at a low position and then is gradually raised higher as the children’s high jumping skills develop. The children have also been learning to do the standing long jump. For this, they have learnt to put their legs together for the starting position, jump forward for the ‘explosion’ and land with knees bent and feet together for the finishing position. We are so grateful to Mr Passman for his excellent PE teaching!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Azlaan Ahmad for showing such good levels of interest and knowledge in our Transport topic. We simply loved Azlaan’s dream bike design for the Active Travel Event competition too. Well done Azlaan!
Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!
long jump starting position
Long jump 'explosion'
Long jump landing position
Excellent high jump technique from front view
Excellent high jump technique from side view
We are so proud of our amazing dream bike designs
7th June 2024
Lime Class children have been excited to start their Summer 2 topic of Transport. On Monday, they drew and labelled several different types of transport. Mrs Price and Miss Austin have been amazed by their work. We have already a fabulous Transport display in our classroom[see photo]. On Thursday, the children have drawn some excellent ‘Dream Bike’ designs for the FOSS competition linked to the Green Wheel, Active Travel event next Wednesday afternoon.
London Bus Role Play
Our children are loving our new London Bus role play corner. Our bus has the signage of ‘Lime in London Tours’ and offers an exciting tour of famous landmarks in London. In order to become experts on these landmarks, the children have first watched a power point about visiting London and then worked in pairs to plot different landmarks on a simplified map of London. It has been lovely to observe the children work so cooperatively with one another.
Author Visit
Huge thanks goes to F.O.S.S. for organizing such a wonderful visit from our local author Laura Noakes. Lime Class children listened so carefully to her talk about what has inspired her as a writer. Several of our children shared how their own ideas for stories e.g. a happy and sad story, a story about dinosaurs. They were also fascinated by the love Laura has for her cats!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Frankie Needham for being such a kind Lime Class pupil and for always putting so much care into her work. Well done Frankie!
Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!
Look at our wonderful Transport display
Meeting our local author Laura Noakes
There is so much to see on Lime in London bus tours!
Ticket ready for our bus tour in London!
We can place famous landmarks of our map of London
We can't wait for the bus to start moving!
We have completed our London maps with famous landmarks
24th May 2024
Twinkl Phonics for Web
This week, Lime Class children have been having fun playing a range of learning games on Twinkl Phonics for Web. This Phonics App helps children build skills & confidence to reach their phonics goals in the classroom or at home. With complete fidelity to their DfE-validated SSP programme, Twinkl Phonics for Web is packed with activities and games that make phonics a joy. All Lime Class children have been given a unique username and password so that they can access Twinkl Phonics for Web both at home and at school. A letter containing this information has been sent home this week in the children’s bookbags. Please email Mrs Price if you have any difficulties accessing this app.
NumBots is a highly engaging platform for learning to add and subtract from the innovators of Time Tables Rock Stars. NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. This week, all children in Lime Class have chosen their own Bot and had a go at playing some of the games in ‘story’ mode. We have also played some of the games as a team in whole class sessions. In the same way as Twinkl Phonics for Web, the children all have a unique username and password. This information can be found on a similar letter to parents also in the children’s book bags. By completing different levels, children can earn coins and their progress is recorded on a leaderboard. This is such a motivational way of learning to add and subtract quickly and accurately. Hopefully, the children will enjoy accessing these fun phonics and maths apps at home and accelerate their learning in the process.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Aston Kibler-Eke for being such a positive, reflective learner. Aston amazes us with her insightful comments during class discussions. Well done Aston!
Have a Wonderful May Half Term Everyone!
Counting and Adding with Numbots
Practisng Maths independently with Numbots
We can do the Elephant Yoga Pose
We can do the Meerkat Yoga Pose
We can do the Octopus Yoga Pose.
We have made our own fire engine!
17th May 2024
This week, Lime Class children have been learning about the different features that can be found inside a church e.g. font, altar, bible, lectern, pulpit, pew. They have drawn and labelled some excellent pictures of church features and written simple sentences about them e.g. ‘The Bible is in the church’. The children have also looked closely at the outside of a church building and completed observational drawings. These drawings are so impressive, especially when we think of how young Lime Class children are!
Bikes, Trikes and Scooters
The children have had a great time this week on our balance bikes, trikes and scooters. The Bikeability lessons with Mrs Pinn and Mrs Tack have certainly contributed to a huge increase in the children’s physical confidence, strength and balance. They have thoroughly enjoyed travelling around our track and testing out the different wheeled vehicles.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Freddie Andrews for always putting so much care into his work. His reading has progressed amazingly well too! Well done Freddie!
Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!
Bikes, Trikes and Scooters
Look at our amazing church drawings!
Look at our fantastic church drawings!
Looking closely at the church building details for our drawings
Pedal Power!
We can draw different church features and write about them too.
10th May
R.E. and Geography
Our R.E. topic this half term is titled, ‘Which places are special and why?’ This investigation enables pupils to explore a range of special places and find out about some buildings that are special for religious believers. In Lime Class, our building focus will be churches for Christians and mosques for Muslims. To start off the unit, the children have been thinking about their favourite places at school- at first within Lime Class and then within our outdoor area. As a link with Geography, we have looked at the layout of Lime Class and thought of the main sections within the class i.e. carpet area, tables for recorded work, role play corner and reading area. Together, we created a simple map of our classroom with symbols for the different areas. The children went on to create their own classroom maps independently using symbols and map keys. Towards the end of the week, the children have consolidated their learning by drawing maps of our outdoor area in the same way. Mrs Price and Miss Austin have been amazed by the children’s mapping skills at such a young age!
In Maths this week, the children have been identifying matching cube models out of a given set. They have worked with partners to set each other the challenge of matching their own cube model. At first the children used simple towers of 3 to 4 colours. As they became more confident, they made more challenging models for each other. This has certainly been a popular activity. The children have also been cutting out 2D shapes and rearranging them to replicate a given 2D shape picture e.g. 2D shape rocket. This activity has encouraged the children not only to look at shapes carefully but also to rotate shapes if necessary.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Ellie De Freitas Martins for working hard and making excellent progress, especially in reading and P.E. Well done Ellie!
Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!
Finding matching cubes with a partner
Look at our matching models!
Look at our playground maps with map keys too!
We can copy 2D shape pictures
We can draw a map of our classroom
Working our Lime playground maps
3rd May 2024
Keeping Safe
This week, Lime Class children have been thinking about themselves as superheroes and how they help one another at school and their families at home. The children have also thought about the importance of keeping safe. If we keep ourselves safe, we are able to do help others as well as achieving our own goals. At the beginning of the week, the children talked about Stranger Danger and how to identify Safer Strangers e.g. people in uniform/wearing name badges. On Tuesday, Super Cat taught the children about Road Safety through his Road Safety Rap and Motto -Stop, Look, Listen, Think. On Thursday, the children have learned about Fire Safety and have shown good understanding of how to keep safe in a fire emergency.
Forest Friday
Lime Class children love their Forest Friday afternoons with Miss Austin and Miss Jess. These lessons are great for developing the children’s physical motor skills, self-confidence and emotional awareness in the natural world. Last Friday, the children had lots of fun making their own leaf families, using leaves, pens and googly eye stickers.
Non-Uniform Day
It was lovely to see the children dressed in such a colourful way on Tuesday’s Non-Uniform Day. Thank You FOSS for organising this! Many thanks also to Lime Class parents for your generous contributions towards the Duck Race Tombola on Sunday 19th May.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Ella Pancutt for being such an enthusiastic learner in all areas of the curriculum. Ella shares her ideas so clearly and confidently in class discussions too. Well done Ella!
Have a Wonderful Bank Holiday Weekend Everyone!
Fire Safety Rules
Forest Friday Fun
Non-Uniform Day
Our Leaf Families
We can identify Safer Strangers
We know how to cross roads safely.
26th April 2024
Superhero Writing
This week, Lime Class children have continued to enjoy a range of superhero stories. At the beginning of the week, they learned how Super Daisy was able to save Planet Earth from the peril of Planet Pea. The children have completed some wonderful Super Daisy drawings and written their ideas in simple sentences. Traction Man is Here has been another superhero story to spark the children’s imagination and inspire independent writing. We are so proud of their writing displays!
On Wednesday morning, the children enjoyed using their five senses during our TastEd session on the theme of peppers. TastEd is a form of sensory food education that delivers the National Food Strategy recommendations. The TastEd rules are: No-one has to try; No-one has to like. This immediately takes any pressure off children so they can feel relaxed around different foods. This week, our children have enjoyed using their eyes to describe peppers of different colours and shapes and also look closely at the seeds inside peppers. They have all been happy to wear a pepper bracelet and describe how it feels next to their skin. Most children couldn’t wait to crunch into their bracelets. Several children were happy just to smell or lick their bracelet. We have planted some left over seeds in pots, which are now sitting happily on our classroom windowsill. The children are excited at the thought of growing their own peppers!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Lottie Gregory for making fantastic progress in her independent writing. Lottie’s drawings have been amazing too! Well done Lottie!
Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!
Look at our Super Daisy work!
We are proud of our Super Daisy work!
We love our Super Daisy work too!
I can see lots of tiny pepper seeds
I can smell the pepper
Look at our pepper bracelets!
The peppers feel cool against our skin.
These peppers are tasty and crunchy.
19th April 2024
How lovely it has been to see the children back at school ready for our new Summer 1 topic of Superheroes! We have started the topic with a range of Supertato stories and have thought about different superhero powers. The children have been using their phonics skills to describe Supertato and Evil Pea in simple sentences. We are already delighted with our Supertato Writing Display!
Superhero Rescue Centre
The children are loving dressing up to act out their own imaginary Superhero stories in our Superhero Rescue Centre. In our role play corner, we have costumes for two attendants, a range of distressed customers and nine brave superheroes. Customers request the service of their chosen superhero and explain why they need Superhero help. So far, we have had lots of imaginative scenarios e.g. Spiderman has climbed to the top of a high building to rescue a cat. Batman has freed a whole family from the terror of being stuck together with orange glue!! It is great to see the children so aminated as they learn through role play in this way!
Mental Health Heroes
Our Wellbeing Wednesday theme for the Summer Term is Mental Health Heroes. Children follow 12 superheroes as they hunt down The Negatron [a dark cloud of negative energy] and unleash their individual wellbeing superpowers to slowly defeat him. Every week, a different superhero teaches the children about their unique Wellbeing Superpower. This week, Lime Class children have met Professor Pinwheel. The professor keeps calm in a crisis by taking long deep breaths on his pinwheel. Our children have reflected on the importance of keeping calm when they feel scared, worried or angry and have practised deep breathing techniques. They have assembled their own pinwheels and have had great fun playing with these outside on a breezy day!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Elijah for working hard on his reading at school and at home and making excellent progress as a result. Well done Elijah for having such a positive attitude!
Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!
I would like Superman's services please
Our pinwheels spin well in the breeze under the tree
Our Supertato Writing Display
Pinwheel Fun!
Running to spin our pinwheels
Superheroes to the rescue!
We can assemble pinwheels independently
We can describe Supertato
Welcome to the Superhero Rescue Centre!
28th March 2024
The Easter Story
Lime Class children have had a lovely week in preparation for Easter. At the beginning of the week, the children listened to an animated story about Palm Sunday and drew some lovely pictures of Jesus riding on a donkey with people waving palm branches to praise Jesus as God’s Son. They expressed their ideas in simple sentences e.g. ‘Jesus went on a donkey’, ‘Jesus is love’. Throughout the week, the children have reflected on the true meaning of Easter in different ways. On Monday, Mrs Chapman led a wonderful collective worship about Easter. On Tuesday, the children’s understanding developed further as they listened to The Easter Story in class. On Wednesday, Lime Class enjoyed a visit to the church. We are very grateful to Rev Alex for his teaching about the importance of Easter to Christians. Rev Alex laid out three tableaux: The Last Supper, The Sorrow of the Cross and The Resurrection. This has really helped to further develop the children’s understanding of Easter. Thank you so much Rev Alex!
We are very lucky at Sutton Lower School to have Mrs Hollyman as our gardening club leader. Mrs Hollyman also works hard at leading our yearly whole school gardening project. This year, the children have all planted their own sunflower seeds in preparation for our sunflower competition in the summer term. The classes have also planted potatoes. Mrs Hollyman will work with the children in gardening club to plant a wide variety of vegetables over the forthcoming weeks.
Rock Steady Concert
We were all delighted to be invited to the Rock Steady concert at the Village Hall on Tuesday afternoon. All the performers did such an amazing job! Huge thanks to Dan for all his hard work with Rock Steady. He has certainly inspired the children with musical confidence and a love for playing in a band. We have been especially proud of our five Lime Class performers. Huge well done to Azlaan, Ella, Aston, Ellie and Isla!
Thank You F.O.S.S.
Huge thanks also goes to F.O.S.S. for making our last day of term so memorable with the fantastic Easter Breakfast treat and also the gift of Easter bonnet kits. The children have had such an interesting Easter themed week at school and are now ready for an Egg-citing Easter break!
Have a Wonderful Easter Holiday Everyone!
Planting our sunflower seeds and potatoes
Watering seeds is so important
Our sunflower seeds are planted and ready to grow
Curriculum at the Church with Rev Alex
Well done to this amazing Rock Steady Band!
Our Easter bonnets are going to look fabulous!
Lots of Easter stickers to choose from
Happy Easter Everyone!
22nd March 2024
Lime Class children have been working hard on their phonics this half term and have now covered the different letter sounds for Level 3 of Twinkl Phonics. It is wonderful to see the children apply their phonics skills not only in phonics lessons but in their reading and writing too. This week in phonics, the children have been revising ‘air’, ‘ure’ and ‘er’. They have practised spelling words such as letter, ladder, chair, hair, cure, secure and manure. The Twinkl Phonics scheme certainly provides our children with a fun, structured and effective way of learning phonics.
In Maths this half term, Lime Class children have been working in particular with numbers 6,7,8,9 and 10. They have been finding different ways of making these numbers e.g. 6+1=7, 3+4=7. The children have compared numbers up to 10 and identified 1 more and 1 less using these numbers too. They have practised ordering numbers to 10 and back to 0. In measurement, the children have compared length, height and mass. They have explored how long different units of time are e.g. How many star jumps can we do in 1 minute? This week, the children have been learning to identify and describe basic 2D and 3D shapes. They have completed a range of shape related activities: 3D shape hunt, Guess the 3D shape game, Copy the 3D shape model, Identifying 2D shapes in the classroom, Guess the 2D shape game and Monster Colouring by 2D shape. The children’s favourite song this week has been Solid Shapes not Flat Shapes. They have enjoyed making the different 3D shapes with their bodies.
Well-being Wednesday
The children have loved this term’s Well-being Wednesday theme of Monsters in Monstro City. Every week, they have met a different monster who has taught them a new well-being skills e.g. overcoming worry, growth mindset, being a good friend, anger management and problem solving. This week, the children have met the monster Yin Yan who is an expert on Self Care. The children have thought of ways to look after themselves on a daily basis e.g. brushing teeth, drinking water, washing hands, getting dressed and have completed a drawing/writing activity about this.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Clemmie Ferrari-Wills for making fantastic progress in her reading, spelling and handwriting. Well done Clemmie! We are so proud of all your achievements!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
2D shape colouring
Changing ourselves into cylinders.
Changing ourselves into spheres.
Look at all our spellings.
We can copy block models
We can copy the Lego pattern.
We can identify 2D shapes
We can spell 'letter'.
We know all about Self Care.
15th March 2024
Football with Mr Passman
Lime Class children have been enjoying their football lessons with Mr Passman in P.E. So far, they have practised a range of football skills: ball control, dribbling and counting toe taps on the ball. The children have applied these skills already in games e.g. Tigers in the Jungle. They will continue to build on these football skills throughout this half term. Lime Class children will be able to join Football Club with Mr Passman after the Easter Holidays, if they are interested in doing so. This will take place on a Wednesday afternoon from 3.30-4.30. Please contact the office for more information.
Forest Friday Mud Art
Forest Fridays are always very popular with the children. Last week, the children had an extra exciting time using mud for hand printing art with Miss Austin and Miss Jess. They took turns to fill out a Lime Class banner using their handprints. It has been lovely to see the photos of our children looking so relaxed and happy in our natural environment.
Our R.E. unit of work for Spring 2 is titled Salvation and poses the question: Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden? This section looks at what the Bible says about the last days of Jesus’ ministry on Earth, from Palm Sunday to Jesus’ resurrection. Leading up to Holy Week, our learning focus will be on the life of Jesus. Linking with our learning about weather this week, the children have enjoyed listening to an animated story about Jesus calming the storm and then drawing and writing about it. We think our R.E. writing display looks wonderful! [see photo]
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Margo Murray for being such a kind, cheerful, helpful and hardworking member of Lime Class. Well done Margo! We are so proud of everything you have achieved.
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Ball control
Counting toe taps on the ball
Dribbling practice
Hand Printing with Mud Glorious Mud!
'Jesus calms the storm' writing display
Mud Art is Fun in Lime Class!
My muddy hands are ready for anything!
Some of us LOVE getting messy!
8th March 2024
Hello Spring!
We are all feeling happy to officially say ‘Hello’ to Spring! This week, Lime Class children have been describing different features of both winter and spring, after watching Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring by Kenard Pak. They have completed a spring writing activity and created a poster about spring. The children have also gone on a Spring Hunt in our school grounds. Here’s hoping that we have some warmer weather ahead soon!
World Book Day
How lovely it has been to see the children all dressed up for World Book Day! The morning excitement has put huge smiles on our faces! For World Book Day this year, our class focus has been on the Official World Book Day £1 book from bestselling and award-winning author and illustrator Rob Biddulph: Charlie McGrew & the Horse That He Drew. This book only costs £1, and (even better) is FREE in exchange for the official World Book Day Token [in your child’s book bag]. Charlie McGrew longs for a clippety companion but the sign on his front door says NO PETS. Charlie is one creative kid, so he decides he’s going to draw himself a pet horse. This story is a wonderful way to encourage children to draw with confidence and illustrate their own story ideas. On Thursday, they have all enjoyed taking part in a #DrawWithRob session and have produced some amazing Charlie McGrew and Horse drawings. The children have also completed their own Charlie McGrew book with a partner. Don’t forget to use your World Book Day Token!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Azlaan Ahmad for working hard and making huge progress, especially in his writing! Azlaan also makes excellent comments in our discussion work. Well done Azlaan!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
All ready for World Book Day!
Birthday and Tree Seasons Display
Learning how to draw Charlie McGrew
Completing the Charlie McGrew illustrations with a partner
Hello Spring Writing Display
Look at the catkins we have found!
Looking for buds in the sensory garden
Spring Hunt in the forest area
1st March 2024
Topic Work
Our topic this half term is titled Easter, with a focus on Seasons, Weather, Stories about Jesus and the true meaning of Easter. This week, the children have been learning about the four seasons. They have drawn trees for Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and have matched different pictures to the relevant season. The children have also written about their birthday dates and identified the season of this exciting celebration. They are now experts on the Months of the Year Song and can recite the months confidently as a result.
Lime Class children have been working in small groups with Mrs Pinn and Mrs Tack with balance bikes on a Friday afternoon. This Tuesday, Charlotte Secker from Central Bedfordshire Council came into school to see how the children are progressing with their Bikeability skills. So far, the children have learned to use control and balance on their bikes. They have become safety aware for both themselves and others. The children have learned how to start with a push, brake and steer with control. They have also practised changing direction safely. Charlotte Secker was delighted with the children’s progress. Many thanks to Mrs Pinn and Mrs Tack for all their Bikeability teaching!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Hope Neale for being such a positive and enthusiastic learner. Hope has worked especially hard on her reading and has made amazing progress! Well done Hope!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Bike ready in our starting position
Bike riding in straight lines
Look at our trees through the seasons!
Matching pictures to seasons
Sorting birthdays into seasons
We can label the four seasons
16th February 2024
Dinosaur Dioramas
Lime Class children have been so busy over the past two weeks on their Dinosaur Diorama project. Last week, the children started off their project by looking at a range of dinosaur landscapes. After watching the Nova Craft Dinosaur Diorama School Project video clip, the children were able to imagine what their diorama was going to look like. The dioramas have been completed in different stages: painting the background; adding a blue cellophane river; making cardboard trees; adding artificial ferns; making volcanoes out of paper cups and tissue paper; making boulders out of egg cups; adding own drawings and dinosaur stickers. The final touch has been to add a couple of dinosaur models. We think you will agree that the dioramas look fantastic! Our dinosaur topic certainly has grabbed the children’s interest and imagination this half term. Mrs Price and Miss Austin have been so proud of all the children’s effort and achievements.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Abigail McBride for being such an enthusiastic learner, especially in our dinosaur topic, discussion work and reading. We are so proud of you Abigail!
Have a Great Half-Term Everyone!
Painting the background for our dinosaur dioramas.
Adding rivers
Making our own trees
Decorating our dioramas
Don't forget to add stickers!
Volcanoes are fun to make too!
Look at our amazing dioramas!
Our completed dioramas are fabulous!
Our completed dioramas look fantastic!
9th February 2024
Book Share
Lime Class children had such a lovely time at Book Share on Monday afternoon. It was great to see how proudly and confidently they shared their work with their parents. It was wonderful to see how excited the younger siblings were too. They are certainly looking forward to their own school days ahead!
Safer Internet Day
It was Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 6th February. Our day started Mrs Chapman’s collective worship on the theme of keeping ourselves safe on the internet. The children responded so well to Mrs Chapman’s questions, already showing good awareness of how to ask a trusted adult for help if something unexpected happens e.g. pop ups. As a follow up to Mrs Chapman’s talk, Lime Class children completed a writing activity on how to stay safe while using the internet.
Children’s Mental Health Week
This week, it has also been Children's Mental Health Week on the theme of 'My Voice Matters'. In Lime Class, the children have thought about their own voices and have played games involving recognising each other’s voice. They have found this quite easy! Together, we have thought about the importance of using our voices to help others with kind words, express our ideas, share our worries and stand up for what is right if we see something that is unfair. The children have drawn pictures of their trusted people in speech bubbles, using chalk on the playground. They have also created their own ‘My Voice Matters’ bookmarks. Well done Lime Class for showing such amazing listening, empathy and understanding!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Alfie Phillips for being such a cheerful, kind and hard working Lime Class pupil. You contribute such a lot to Lime Class Alfie!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Book Sharing is busy in Lime Class
Book Sharing Outdoors
Book Sharing with Mum and Dad
Drawing People We Trust 1
Drawing People We Trust 2
Look at my work Dad!
We know that Our Voices Matter
Working as a Team for Children's Mental Health Week
2nd February 2024
What Did Dinosaurs Eat?
This week, Lime Class children have been learning about the words Carnivore, Herbivore and Omnivore. They have been able to identify a range of different dinosaurs and sort them on a Venn Diagram according to what they ate. The children have learned that Herbivores had flat teeth to grind plants and leaves and that Carnivores had sharp teeth to chew meat.
Keeping Healthy
Linked to the learning about dinosaurs’ teeth, the children have thought about the importance of Looking After Our Teeth. They have described different ways of doing this i.e. visiting the dentist, eating less sugary foods, drinking milk and water and brushing teeth properly at least twice daily. The children have completed a sequencing activity for the different steps of brushing teeth. They have also thought about the importance of Healthy Eating and have sorted healthy and less healthy foods.
The children are enjoying learning to sing a range of songs and to keep a steady beat using percussion in our Charanga music scheme. This half term, our unit of work is called Everyone! It explores family, friends, people and music from around the world. In addition to this, the children have been using percussion to accompany songs both online and with Mrs Price on guitar. It has been lovely to watch the children’s musical confidence and ability grow and develop.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Isla Rawlings for working so hard at school, especially in her reading. We are amazed by your reading progress Isla!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Keeping a steady beat with percussion instruments
Palaeotologists at work!
Sequencing the steps of brushing our teeth
Sorting herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
We know how to brush our teeth.
We love discovering dinosaur bones.
26th January 2024
Lime Class children have been enjoying several different fossil related activities this week. On Monday, they joined William Whiskerson on a fossil hunt along the Jurassic Coast. After watching this fascinating video clip, the children went on to complete observational drawings of ammonites. Mrs Price and Miss Austin have been so impressed with the children’s attention to shape, line and detail. On Tuesday, the children watched an animation from the National History Museum on the formation of fossils which further developed the children’s understanding. During the week, they have mixed flour, salt and water to make and paint their own salt dough dinosaur fossils. The children have also tested their palaeontologist skills when trying to excavate dinosaurs from our collection of ice eggs! What a fun filled fossil week it has been!
Lime Class children are lucky to be receiving Bikeability lessons from Mrs Pinn and Mrs Tack. Small groups of children take turns to join Mrs Pinn and Mrs Tack for a sequence of lessons on balance bikes. So far, they have learned how to put on cycle helmets independently, mount their balance bikes safely and ride their bikes in straight lines. Thank you Mrs Pinn and Mrs Tack for giving the children such important skills!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Olivia Drury for working extra hard this week on her Art, Maths and Reading and producing excellent results. Well done Olivia!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Mixing flour, salt and water to make salt dough
Kneading the dough
Making a dinosaur impression
Having fun with dinosaur ice eggs
Headteacher Awards for our ammonite drawings!
Observational drawing of ammonites
Painting our salt dough dinosaur fossils
These dinosaurs are close to being excavated now!
We are learning to ride in straight lines
We can all mount our bikes safely
19th January 2023
Mary Anning
This week Lime Class children have been enjoying learning about Mary Anning and her amazing contribution to science. After watching the clip Mary Anning-Fossil Hunter, the children went on to draw Mary Anning and write their ideas in simple sentences. Later on in the week, the children have been able to put their dinosaur knowledge to the test by matching different skeletons to the relevant dinosaur.
In RE/PSHE, our unit of work this half term is called Where do we belong? For this, the children are thinking about how each person is unique and valuable. They are also thinking about groups to which they belong, how some people belong to religious groups and what this means. This week, the children have responded to the bible story of Jesus and the Children and thought about different things that make them special and unique.
Wellbeing Wednesday
The children are enjoying our new Wellbeing Wednesday Monster theme. Every Wednesday, they will follow Eggmo as he meets all his "MONSTEROUS" new neighbours on Monster Lane. Each of Eggmo's new friends will pass on their wisdom and skills to help the children with their mental health and wellbeing. This week, Eggmo has met Woebo who has a tendency to worry. In Lime Class, the children shared their worries with a talk partner and thought about different strategies to overcome worries e.g. positive thinking and sharing worries with someone you trust. They have completed some lovely drawings of Woebo, before and after he has shared his worries.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Aston Kibler-Eke for putting lots of extra effort into her Phonics, Reading and Writing and making super progress as a result. Well done Aston!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Mary Anning
This week Lime Class children have been enjoying learning about Mary Anning and her amazing contribution to science. After watching the clip Mary Anning-Fossil Hunter, the children went on to draw Mary Anning and write their ideas in simple sentences. Later on in the week, the children have been able to put their dinosaur knowledge to the test by matching different skeletons to the relevant dinosaur.
In RE/PSHE, our unit of work this half term is called Where do we belong? For this, the children are thinking about how each person is unique and valuable. They are also thinking about groups to which they belong, how some people belong to religious groups and what this means. This week, the children have responded to the bible story of Jesus and the Children and thought about different things that make them special and unique.
Wellbeing Wednesday
The children are enjoying our new Wellbeing Wednesday Monster theme. Every Wednesday, they will follow Eggmo as he meets all his "MONSTEROUS" new neighbours on Monster Lane. Each of Eggmo's new friends will pass on their wisdom and skills to help the children with their mental health and wellbeing. This week, Eggmo has met Woebo who has a tendency to worry. In Lime Class, the children shared their worries with a talk partner and thought about different strategies to overcome worries e.g. positive thinking and sharing worries with someone you trust. They have completed some lovely drawings of Woebo, before and after he has shared his worries.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Aston Kibler-Eke for putting lots of extra effort into her Phonics, Reading and Writing and making super progress as a result. Well done Aston!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
A dinosaur story on Forest Forest
Come and join our Tea Party!
Look! I have found a dinosaur.
Sharing our worries on Wellbeing Wednesday
We are all special in different ways.
We are learning to share our worries like Woebo.
We are proud of our Mary Anning writing
Woebo uses positive thinking to overcome his worries.
12th January 2023
This week, Lime Class children have made a fabulous start to their Spring 1 topic of Dinosaurs. Mrs Price and Miss Austin have been so impressed with the children’s knowledge of dinosaurs, even at the very start of this topic. On Monday, the children drew pictures and wrote captions about what they already knew about dinosaurs. On Tuesday, the children learned about different types of dinosaur and went on to complete a dinosaur writing activity, using their phonics and key words. On Thursday, the learning focus was on the king of the tyrant lizards i.e. Tyrannosaurus Rex. This dinosaur has really grabbed the children’s interest and imagination. The follow-on activity for this was to label this amazing dinosaur. It has been wonderful to see how well the children have been applying their phonics knowledge to a range of different writing activities this week.
Role Play Corner
Lime Class children have been loving the changes in our roleplay corner. We now have The Jurassic Café which is open to dinosaur customers and hosted by two able assistants in green uniform. Customers dress up as dinosaurs and order a main, dessert and drink off the menu. Menu choices include: T. Rex Burger 3p, Vintage Hot Dog 3p, Volcanic Cupcake 2p, Jurassic Surprise 2p and Swamp Soda 1p. It is great to observe the assistants write down food orders on their notepads. Customers are doing a fine job of counting out the right amount of pence for payment!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Elijah for being such a cheerful and positive member of Lime Class. Elijah shows lots of interest in his learning and takes pride in achieving a good result. Well done Elijah!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Block Play with Cars!
Happy Dinosaur Customers!
Head Teacher's Award for our dinosaur writing!
I can draw a dinosaur
Let me take your order please
Look at our dinosaur work!
Our Dinosaur Writing Display
The Jurassic Cafe is open
Time Travel by Car!!
15th December 2023
Christmas Crafts
Lime Class children have been enjoying taking part in a range of Christmas crafts. They have made Santa Claus handprint Christmas cards, Nativity sun-catchers, Christmas tree cone decorations and Christmas scratch art pictures. They will take these home in brown paper bags at the end of the week.
Whole School Christmas Performance
Many thanks to all parents for working together to provide such fabulous Hawaiian costumes for our Lime Class pupils! Our school play this year is called ‘Christmas Around the World’ and reveals the true reason for Christmas as different countries are magically visited. We have been so proud with Lime Class for performing with such enthusiasm, joy and confidence. Well done Lime Class!
P.E. with Mr Passman
Mr Passman has been delighted with Lime Class pupils in P.E. this term. In Gymnastics, the children have been making a wide range of different body shapes. They have progressed on to making letter shapes and have managed to arrange themselves into a special message for you all: Merry Xmas [see photo]
Stars of the Week
This week we are excited to announce that we have two Stars of the Week: Clemmie Ferrari-Wills and Hope Neale! Both girls have been wowing us with their progress across the curriculum, especially in Reading, Writing and Maths. Their performance confidence in our Christmas Play has been equally impressive. Well done to both Clemmie and Hope!
Have a Great Christmas Everyone!
All ready for our Christmas Play
Look at our Nativity Sun-catchers!
Merry Xmas from Lime Class
Mindfulness with our Breathing Ball
Mr and Mrs Christmas on their sleigh with reindeer!!
We have made our own Christmas Tree decorations.
8th December 2023
Christmas Science
This week, Lime Class children have enjoyed taking part in a range of Christmas Science experiments. They learned how to use pipettes when adding drops of vinegar with food colouring to a bicarbonate of soda Christmas tree. The children made careful observations, using their senses of smell, sight and hearing. Over the week, they have been watching candy canes slowly dissolve in a mix of bicarbonate of soda with vinegar. Another experiment has involved putting coloured ice cubes on top of oil. The children accelerated the melting process by adding warm water through pipettes. They were intrigued by the different shape effects as the oil and water refused to mix.
On Thursday, the children first listened to the Story of Christingle and then discussed the meaning behind the Christingle. Later on in the morning, Mr Brooker came into school and helped the children make their own Christingles for our special service at All Saints’ Church.
Forest Fridays
Lime Class children love their Forest Fridays with Miss Austin and Miss Brooker. This is such a fantastic opportunity for the children to have a hands-on experience with nature. Last Friday, the children enjoyed combining natural and man-made materials to make their own Stickmen. This was also a great link with tying skills in DT as they used no glue or Sellotape.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Lottie Gregory for showing so much curiosity and interest in both Science and Art this week. Lottie is amazing at sorting and tidying up too. Well done Lottie!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Listening carefully to science experiment instructions.
Learning how to use pipettes.
Watch what happens when we add vinegar with food colouring to bicarboante of soda.
Melting ice on top of oil with warm water and food colouring.
Hanging out with Mrs Chapman
Look at our Stickmen!
Making Christingles with Mr Brooker
Making Stickmen on Forest Friday
We are all proud of our Santa Christmas cards
1st December 2023
1st December
Christmas in South Africa
This week, Lime Class children have been lucky enough to have had yet another lovely parent visit. On Monday morning, Stacey Neale [Hope’s mum] came in to talk to the children about how Christmas is celebrated in South Africa. As it is so hot in South Africa at Christmas time, the priority is to cool down. Celebrations often happen around a swimming pool. Barbecues and tasty salads are popular Christmas day meals. Watermelons to finish off the meal are kept cool in the swimming pool as they take up too much room in the fridge. Father Christmas has been seen wearing shorts and taking a well-earned rest on the beach. Lime Class children clearly listened well to Stacey’s talk as they were able to tell Mrs Chapman all about it later in the day. Stacey very generously gave all the children a goodie bag with a taste of a few South African Christmas delights. Thank you Stacey for such a wonderful visit!
Baptisms/ Christenings
On Tuesday, the children learned about the importance of Baptisms/Christenings in Christianity. They learned about Jesus being baptised by John the Baptist in the animated Bible story ‘Baptism of Jesus’. The children also learned about important baptism symbols in a Christian church. They went on to draw and label some symbols e.g. font, cross, candle, oil.
On Thursday, the celebration focus was on Weddings, starting off with the story Maisie goes to a Wedding by Lucy Cousins. The children enjoyed sharing their own experiences of weddings. We also looked at a power point showing how weddings are celebrated differently around the world. The children went on to draw and label pictures linked to weddings e.g. bride, groom, flowers, cake.
Widdershins Puppet Show
Huge thanks to F.O.S.S. for treating all Sutton Lower pupils to yet another amazing Widdershins Puppet Show on Wednesday morning. It was wonderful to observe the children’s animated faces as they were captured by Andy’s brilliant storytelling and puppeteering. Andy retold the traditional tales of ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’ and ‘The Gingerbread Man’ in his own unique style. Lime Class children behaved so well and clearly loved the show.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Margo Murray for having such a positive attitude towards her learning and for making such good progress as a result. Margo is also very helpful at tidy up times. Well done Margo!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Andy Lawrence is such an amazing stroy teller and puppeteer!
Father Christmas cools down at the beach
In South Africa, we spend Christmas day in the pool
Thank you Stacey for our lovely goodie bags!
We know where South Africa is.
We have been learning about baptisms.
24th November 2023
Diwali and Hanukkah
This week, Lime Class children have been learning about the importance of Light in the celebrations of both Diwali and Hanukkah. On Monday, the children took a look at the Hindu festival of Light, Diwali on My First Festivals, CBeebies. They also took a look at a range of some beautiful Rangoli patterns and went on to make their own Rangoli pattern plates using brightly coloured stickers. Mrs Price and Miss Austin were impressed at the way the children applied their previous knowledge of repeating patterns for this activity. On Tuesday, the children learned about the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah on My First Festivals, CBeebies. They created their own Menorahs [the Jewish nine-branched candelabra] using handprints-with very effective results.
Christmas in Portugal
Lime Class children have been so fortunate to have had another parent visit this week. Eunice de Freitas [Ellie’s Mum] came into to our class on Monday to teach the children how Christmas is celebrated in Portugal. There are lots of similarities but several differences too i.e. On Christmas Eve there is a special family meal called the ‘Consoada’; Children open their presents at midnight; Fish is served as well as turkey; There are lots of different dessert dishes too. Eunice has very kindly given all Lime Class children and staff members goodie bags with a sample of Christmas sweets and desserts. Thank you so much Eunice for your generosity and giving us insight into Portuguese Christmas traditions!
Advent Display
This week has certainly been full of arts and crafts. In preparation for our whole school Advent display, the children have decorated different coloured baubles with an array of sparkling jewels. Look out for these on our window at the front of the school at the beginning of December.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week Award goes to Ellie De Freitas Martins for working so hard and making fabulous progress this term. Ellie is such a cheerful member of Lime Class. Well done Ellie!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Decorating baubles for our Advent display
All Ready for our Advent Display!
Eunice has shown us Portugal on a map.
Eunice has taught us about the special Chrstmas feast in Portugal.
Thank You Eunice for our Portuguese goodie bags!
Happy Hanukkah!
Making Rangoli Pattern plates
Look at our beautiful Rangoli Patterns!
17th November 2023
Anti-bullying Week and Courageous Advocacy
For Anti-bullying Week this year, all pupils at Sutton Lower have been learning about the term ‘Courageous Advocacy.’ Mrs Chapman introduced this concept first thing on Monday morning, during Collective Worship. She explained to the children that a ‘courageous advocate ’is a person who is brave enough to speak up for a cause that is important and meaningful to them. More information about Courageous Advocacy can be found on the Christian Aid website. In Lime Class, the children were all given a blank tree template. They filled the trunk with drawings of what makes them happy. In the roots of the tree, they wrote the names of people who are important to them. In the leaves of the tree, they drew pictures of themselves showing kindness e.g. I give flowers to my mum; I share toys with my brother; I give my friend a birthday present. Throughout the week, the children have continued to think about the importance of working as a team and making sure that no-one feels left out. In the story ‘Topsy and Tim Help a Friend by Jean and Gareth Adamson’, Topsy and Tim show courageous advocacy by telling the teacher about some bullying that has been happening to their friend Stevie. The teacher is then aware of the situation and able to sort the problem out. To finish off the week’s activities, the children have created a wonderful Lime Class picture with all the children showing each other friendship by holding hands. They have also created their own ‘I am unique because…’ statements to celebrate diversity within the class. We are all so proud of their work this week!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Frankie Needham for making progress great progress in phonics for both reading and writing. Frankie always puts great care into her work and produces excellent results. Well done Frankie!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Celebrating our differences
Fun with a team singing game
Look at our Love Trees!
Singing and keeping the beat as a team
We are all different and special in Lime Class.
We can go under the parachute.
Working as a team with the parachute
10th November 2023
Bonfire Night
This week, Lime Class children have been learning about several different celebrations and special times. On Monday, the children were excited to share their experiences of Bonfire Night. They listened carefully to the information shared on Bonfire Night, My First Festivals on Cbeebies and afterwards created some spectacular Firework Prints, using craft rolls cut into star shapes.
Remembrance Day
On Tuesday, the children enjoyed finding out more about Remembrance Day by watching the Remembrance Day clip on My First Festivals, also on Cbeebies. They have also enjoyed developing their pencil control and colouring skills by completing poppy drawings. This week, the children have really enjoyed spending their money at our Royal British Legion Poppy Shop and choosing from a range of poppy merchandise. The slapbands are definitely a firm favourite!
Curriculum in the Church
On Wednesday morning, Lime Class enjoyed a lovely church visit with Mrs Kerridge. Mrs Kerridge focused on the meaning of The Lord’s Prayer. The children responded so well to her questions and made us all feel very proud. Thank you Mrs Kerridge for everything you do!
Celebration of Eid
On Thursday morning, we were all so grateful to Sehrish Mubeen [Azlaan’s mum] for her visit to Lime Class. Sehrish taught the chldren that Muslims follow the religion of Islam. Muslims celebrate two Eids during the year. Eid ul-Adna celebrates sacrifice and trust in Allah. Eid ul-Fitr celebrates thankfulness and being grateful to Allah. Sehrish shared some beautiful family photos with us in a power point to help us understand more about the Eid celebrations. At the end of the visit, Azlaan handed out goodie bags to all the children from Sehrish. This was a beautiful surprise for everyone. Sehrish also made traditional sweets for all Sutton School pupils, served up at lunchtime.Thank you so much Sehrish for your teaching about Islam and generosity too!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Olivia Drury for always putting so much care into her work, for excellent reading progress and for putting her hand up lots more in class! Well done Olivia!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Sehrish is teaching us all about the two Eids
Look at our goodie bags from Sehrish!
Thank you so much Sehrish for our special gifts!
Back at school after our church visit
Fireworks Printing
Look at our wonderful fireworks display!
Printing requires lots of concentration
The Lord's Prayer with Mrs Kerridge
3rd November
This week, Lime Class children have been getting into the spirit of our new topic of Celebrations. We have bee thinking about what it means to ‘celebrate’ and thinking about different special times during the year. The main focus this week has been on birthday celebrations. On Tuesday, the children enjoyed listening to the story How Many Days to My Birthday? by Gus Clarke and clearly understood the excitement of waiting for a birthday to come round. After the story, the children wrote birthday party invitations to one another and handed them out in class. They completed reply slips and handed those out too. This has been a great writing exercise for the children and a good reminder of their own birthday dates. Mr Birthday by Roger Hargreaves has been another popular birthday story this week. The children have drawn some amazing Mr Birthday pictures for our bright and cheerful birthday display.[see photos]
The Party Place
The children are loving our new role play corner which is called The Party Place. Customers dress up in party clothes and pay 5p for a Party Place ticket from the party organisers. The organisers can be recongised by their pink or green caps and T-shirts. Customers enjoy an hearty meal served up by the organisers.
OFSTED Computing Visit
Well done to all Lime Class pupils for being so well-behaved and focused during the OFSTED visit. The inspector, Marc White said that he was very impressed with the children’s understanding and use of technical vocabulary. Well done Lime Class!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Azlaan Ahmad for sharing excellent answers in discussions and for having such wonderful ideas in block play. Well done Azlaan!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
1. Writing our invitations
2. Handing out our invitations
3. Our invitation replies
Decorating 'The Party Place'
18th October 2023
Location and Direction
In Maths this week, Lime Class children have been learning about location and direction with help from Jack Hartman’s Direction Song and the clip Location and Direction from Scratch Garden. The children have been busy building wooden block mazes and programming a robot mouse to manage its way around it. They have also been building Lego mazes for marbles. The online game Hungry Pirates has been a great way for the children to practice using the keyboard arrow keys on I-pads. The children are also enjoying developing early coding skills with our Code and Go Robot Mouse activity set. They can already program a simple route our robot mouse to get to his cheese!
Autumn Term 1
What a wonderful first half term we all have had! The children have bonded beautifully as a class. It is heart warming to see so many different friendships start to flourish! The children have embraced their learning with so much positivity and enthusiasm too. In PE, Mr Passman has been thrilled with their progress-especially in Marching and Active Maths. Miss Austin and Miss Brooker have especially enjoyed their Forest Fridays with the children. It has been lovely to round off this half term hearing so many positive comments during the parent/teacher consultations. Thank you!
We all wish you a Lovely Half Term Break and look forward to seeing you all back at school on Tuesday 31st October.
Forest Friday storytime with Miss Austin
Look at our Marvelllous Marching!
Mr Passman and his fabulous marching band
Programming Robot Mouse around the maze
Robot mouse loves our maze.
Some of us have Messy Hands!
We can make a Lego maze
13th October 2023
Phonics Information for Parents Session
Many thanks to all parents who attended our Phonics Information Session on Monday afternoon. An Introduction to Twinkl Phonics leaflet has been given out to parents, alongside a poster with Level 2 and 3 actions for sounds and mnemonics for letter formations. At the meeting, I mentioned a useful video clip to help with the recommended pronunciation of sounds with Twinkl Phonics actions. The clip is titled Twinkl Phonics Level 2 Sounds and Actions. Our Lime Class children are responding so well to Twinkl Phonics and making wonderful progress.
Bikes, Trikes and Scooters
Lime Class have had an exciting time this week on our school collection of Bikes, Trikes and Scooters. As a school, we have been lucky to receive six brand new balance bikes from Bikeability. Balance bikes help the children to develop cycle handling and awareness skills, which is excellent preparation for future cycling training.
Lime Class children are becoming real experts on repeating patterns. This week, they have been consolidating their knowledge by creating their own repeating patterns with natural objects in our forest area. They have also been identifying 2D shapes, continuing 2D shape repeating patterns and creating their own 2D shape patterns too. Towards the end of the week, the children have been following body movement repeating patterns and also creating their own body movement patterns.
‘Patterning engages children in practical, fun and sociable activities. Research shows it is a strong predictor for children’s later mathematical achievement. This is not surprising as pattern is fundamental to mathematics at any level.’ The Power or Pattern, Patterning in the Early Years
Class Christmas Cards
Lime Class pupils have all brought home their Christmas card designs today, in their book bags. They have all made lovely Rudolph the Reindeer designs. Please complete your Order Form and return to school by 20th October. Thank You!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Isla Rawlings for being such a friendly, kind and helpful Lime Class pupil. Isla listens so carefully in class and always tries her best. Well done Isla!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Starting off around the track
Coming into the the finish line
We love our bikes, trikes and scooters.
Don't forget to order your Christmas Cards
Learning to form 'e' with Twinkl Phonics
Look at our stick, green leaf, dried leaf repeating pattern
Our repeating pattern is bark, leaf, stick, bark, leaf, stick
We have made a stick, acorn, leaf, bark repeating pattern
We have made a stick, leaf, stick, leaf repeating pattern
5th October 2023
Morning Yoga
Lime Class children really enjoy their daily Yoga sessions with Jaime from Cosmic Kids Yoga. Jaime leads the children in a range of interactive Yoga adventures which build strength, balance and confidence. This is such a wonderful way to start the day in Lime Class. Mrs Price and Miss Austin have been so impressed with how closely the children follow Jaime’s yoga moves and poses. These sessions bring a range of both physical and mental benefits. Children feel relaxed, calm and ready for their busy school day ahead.
Curriculum in the Church
This Wednesday morning, Lime Class children enjoyed an interesting Curriculum in Church session with Rev Alex. They listened carefully as Rev Alex shared the story of St Francis of Assisi being extra kind towards poor people, nature and animals. The children went on to draw pictures of their favourite animals. They brought their drawings down to the altar, where Rev Alex blessed them. Lime Class are getting used to the walk to the church now. Their behaviour has been exemplary!
National Poetry Day Thursday 5th October
On Thursday, we celebrated National Poetry Day. This year, the theme has been on refuge. Lime Class children first listened to The Grass House by Shirley Hughes. They imagined what it would be like in The Grass House and the other plants and creatures that they might see. Together as a class, we went into The Whispering Willows in our school playground. We used our senses to describe how it felt to be in this special place together and wrote our own class poem. The children drew pictures to illustrate their ideas. We are so proud of our poem, titled ‘Our Den’-see photos
Technology Around Us
This week, Lime Class have been identifying different forms of technology that are used all around us. They have been able to name a wide range of examples of technology used on a daily basis. The children identofied and sorted a range of digital and non-digital objects and sorted them onto a table.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Ella Pancutt for being such a positive, friendly and enthusiastic member of Lime Class. Ella produces beautiful drawings too! Well done Ella!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Rev Alex shares the story of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lime Class draw pictures of animals for Rev. Alex
Rev Alex is impressed with all our animal drawings
Lime Class poets in the Whispering Willows
Look how well the children follow Jaime!
Yoga stretches with Jaime
Our class poem titled 'Our Den'
We can hear birds speaking
We can identify digital and non-digital objects
29th September 2023
Book Share
Our Book Share on Monday afternoon was such a wonderful way to start the week. It was lovely observing the children so proudly showing parents their books. They showed great excitement and animation when showing their parents around the different areas of Lime Class too. After only a few weeks at school, our new Lime Class children certainly feel settled, happy and at ease.
Lime Class children have been enjoying TastEd lessons on a Wednesday morning. In a typical TastEd lesson, the children explore a range of fresh fruit and vegetables, using their five senses. They talk about what they see, smell, touch, hear and taste and say whether they enjoy it or not. There are two golden rules in TastEd 1. No-one has to try 2. No-one has to like. So far in TastEd, the children have used their sense of sight, smell, touch and taste to explore a range of Tomatoes. This week, they played at being ‘Touch Detectives’ by describing different vegetables hidden in socks. The taste experience of sultanas and dried apricots proved to be very popular.
Repeating Patterns
In Maths this week, the children have been learning about repeating patterns. They have especially enjoyed The Pattern Practice song from Scratch Garden. It has been amazing to see such clear progress in their learning in just one week. The children have enjoyed making repeating patterns using Multilink, 2D shapes, threading with coloured beads, animal models and stickers.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Freddie Andrews for putting in so much effort into his drawings and his letter formations. Well done Freddie!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Book Sharing indoors
Book Sharing outdoors
Repeating patterns with Multilink
Repeating patterns with farm animals
TastEd Starter
TastEd Touch Detectives
TastEd with Tomatoes
We are drawing pigs and tigers.
We are drawing an elephant, a giraffe and a cat.
21st September 2023
In RE this half term, our unit of work in Lime Class is titled God/ Creation and poses the question ‘Why is God important to Christians.’ The children have been responding to God’s Very Colourful Creation by Tim Thornborough and have created some wonderful drawings of fish, birds and land animals. They have also been responding to the question ‘Why did God make jellyfish?’ The children have been learning a wonderful jellyfish action song and have made paper plate jellyfish for our RE class display.
Lime Class children are clearly enjoying their PE sessions with Mr Passman. On Wednesday afternoons, Mr Passman has been teaching the children to practise and perform a marching technique. They have practised this as individuals and have also managed to march in unison as a whole class. On Friday mornings, Mr Passman has been very impressed with the children’s counting skills in Active Maths. They have been applying their knowledge of numbers up to 10 in a range of activities linked to mats and hoops.
Forest Friday
The children have also been enjoying their afternoon Forest Friday sessions with Miss Austin and Miss Brooker. The afternoon often starts with a story session in the forest area and follows on with a range of practical activities linked to natural objects. Lime Class children are now familiar with our forest area rules. They have freely explored the forest area, our whispering willows and our sensory garden.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Alfie Phillips for being such an enthusiastic learner, especially in phonics and for being a role model for sharing when learning through play. Well done Alfie!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Forest Friday Fun
Making jellyfish
Our jellyfish display
PE with Mr Passman
Sharing smiles in the sensory garden
We can march with Mr Passman
15th September 2023
The Egg Hatches
Lime Class children had an exciting start to the week when they saw a huge crack in our mysterious egg. We got into a circle and passed the egg around. The children were intrigued when they spotted some fur appearing through the crack. Gradually, the crack widened and then POP! A baby owl hatched onto the carpet. The children passed the owl round the circle and gave him a hug. After watching Owl Babies by Martin Waddell, they decided to call our new class friend ‘Bill’.
As a follow up to the grand hatching, the children have enjoyed learning some interesting facts in the video clip Owl Facts for Kids. Mrs Price and Miss Austin were very impressed with how well the children remembered the owl information. They went on to learn to draw and colour in owls and complete an Owl Babies cutting and sticking activity.
The children have been enjoying their first week of the DfE validated scheme of Twinkl Phonics. In this scheme, they follow the adventures of Kit and Sam and learn a new letter sound at the same time. This week, they have focused on sounds for the letters s, a and t. The children have learned actions for these letter sounds and mnemonic phrases to help them with letter formations e.g. ‘round and round the snake’s body’ when they form ‘s’. Make sure you ask your child about these actions and phrases. We are sure they will be proud to tell you all about their new learning in phonics!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Abigail McBride for giving such good answers in class discussions and for making such a super start in phonics. Well done, Abigail!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
I can see some fur inside the egg
Look at the baby owl!
Our baby owl is called Bill.
Owl Babies cutting and sticking
Sorting and Matching for Goldiloks and the Three Bears
We are learning to draw owls.
We are learning to form 's' in phonics.
8th September 2023
Welcome to the New Lime Class
We give a huge Welcome to our new Lime Class of 2023-24 and say a big ‘Well Done’ for having such a great first week at school! As every day has passed this week, the children have become more and more settled and comfortable in their new learning environment. Mrs Price and Miss Austin are loving their enthusiasm and kindness towards one another.
Animal Topic Our topic this half term is on Animals. On Tuesday, the children enjoyed listening to the story ‘I want a pet’ by Lauren Child. In this story, a little girl called Jane can’t make up her mind which pet she wants to buy from the pet shop. In the end, the pet shop lady persuades Jane to buy an egg. In this way, her pet will be a total surprise. On Tuesday, the children were amazed to find a mysterious looking egg in their classroom with a letter beside it. Mrs Price opened the letter and read it to the children. The little girl Jane has had to go on holiday and has asked Lime Class to look after it for her. Immediately, the children wanted to find a blanket to keep the egg warm. They have had lots of ideas about what animal may hatch out of it e.g. could it be a bird, snake, dragon, dinosaur or penguin? They keep having a peek to see if there are any cracks in the egg… Watch this space!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week award goes to Aston Kibler-Eke for being such a polite, positive and curious learner. Well done Aston for having such a great first week at school!
Please make sure that your child brings in a sun hat every day during sunny weather spells. Suncream should be applied at home before coming to school. Please remember to hear your child read as often as possible and write your comments in the reading diary. Many thanks for naming clothing items and water bottles so clearly! We really appreciate your support in this.
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
We love our babies
We are wondering what is growing inside the egg...
Making patterns with pegboards
Look at Our Lime Class Tree!
Happy Learning through Play
Fun with stencils
Building a home for our animals
21st July 2023
Whole School Art Project
On Monday and Tuesday morning, Lime Class children joined the rest of the school to continue their chosen scenes linked to the fabulous story You Choose by Pippa Goodhart. The children added their chosen homes, pets, clothes, foods and even beds to their chosen background out of: city, beach, desert, moon, forest, jungle, mountains and even volcano! It has been wonderful to observe the children sharing their imaginative ideas with each other in mixed aged groups. We have all been excited to see the stunning finished result too, displayed around our gazebo.
Rock Steady Concert
Lime Class children really enjoyed attending our Rock Steady concert on Tuesday afternoon. The performers did such an amazing job both on the instruments and the vocals. Lime Class children have Rock Steady flyers in their book bags. I am sure that we have several budding musicians in our class who would love to take part in this next year. Make sure you apply on their behalf!
Huge Thank You!
On Behalf of Miss Austin, Miss Brooker, Mr Passman, Mrs Chapman and myself[Mrs Price], I would like to say a huge thank you to all Lime Class parents for their incredibly generous gifts. We have loved working with you and our fabulous Lime Class pupils this year. The children have all made amazing progress since they started school in September and we are so proud of each and every one of them. We will certainly miss them as they move up to Year 1 and wish them all the very best for the future.
Have a Fantastic Summer Holiday Everyone!
14th July 2023
Bollywood Dance Workshop
Lime Class children have had an amazing Bollywood Dance experience this week thanks to Chloe from Bollywood Vibes. The children attended a fun-filled Bollywood dance workshop at the village hall on Wednesday morning. To start with, Chloe gave the children a brief introduction to the history of Indian dance. As a warm up, Chloe taught them some Bollywood hand moves and incorporated these into whole body movements. The children then played musical statues and experimented with a range of different Bollywood poses every time the music stopped. For the main activity, the children wore scarves and learned a sequence of moves using step by step instructions. Chloe then taught them how to put the moves together to music to perform a fabulous Bollywood dance. As observers, Mrs Price, Miss Austin and Miss Brooker were so impressed with all the children for effort, skill and behaviour too. Well done Lime Class! Thank you Mrs Chapman and Mrs Pinn for organising this wonderful end of year treat!
Whole School Art Project
On Thursday morning, the children have enjoyed working in mixed aged groups on a whole school art project. So far, we have prepared background scenes for the children’s choices of where they would like to live if they could choose: following the wonderful story You Choose by Pippa Goodhart. We have painted backgrounds for : the beach, the city, the moon, the desert, volcanoes, the forest and the jungle. Next week the children will add themselves to the relevant background wearing their favourite clothes, outside a home of their choice, with food of their choice and an ideal pet too. This art project will go on display around the gazebo by the middle of next week.
School Reading Books
Please note that we will take in all school reading books and current reading diaries on Monday. The children will bring home completed work books from school on Monday too.
Star of the Week
This week our Star of the Week goes to Zhanna Joseph for being such a kind, conscientious and helpful member of Lime Class throughout the whole year. Well done Zhanna!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Chloe explains what Bollywood dancing is.
Chloe is impressed with Lime Class.
Look how well we follow Chloe!
The children learn a Bollywood pose.
We are ready to perform our dance now.
We put our arms to the left.
Getting the desert background ready
Busy making exotic flowers for the jungle scene
The moon background is looking great already.
6th July 2023
Wheels and Axles
This week Lime Class children have been immersed in making their vehicle models. This project has provided super learning opportunities for both Science and Design Technology. In preparation for their vehicle model making, the children first watched Let’s Get Rolling with SciShow Kids. In this video clip, Jessi and Squeaks found a ton of rocks for their rock collection... but they were too heavy to get back to the fort. The children joined them as they figured out the perfect simple machine to help them out: the wheel and axle! As a class, we have thought of many different examples of how wheels and axles are used in every day life.
Vehicle Models
The children have certainly enjoyed all the different stages of making their vehicle models. It is amazing to observe the calming effect painting has on all children! The boxes were all painted on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the children attached their wheels and axles, using cardboard discs, wooden dowelling and twist ties as washers. They also decorated their vehicles with windows and headlights. On Thursday, the children added some finishing touches and finally got to test their models in the playground and consider some evaluation questions: Did their vehicle roll well? What made their vehicle roll well? Could their model be improved in any way? It was great to see the excitement and pride on the children’s faces as they put their models into action!
Star of the Week
This week our Star of the Week goes to Sofia Rahman for being such a positive, enthusiastic member of Lime Class. Sofia’s confidence has grown incredibly! Well done Sofia!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Attaching axles to our vehicles
Axles can be tricky to get in line
Busy and happy with paint
Drawing people for the windows
We like blue for our vehicle models
Our vehicles roll well
Our vehicles roll well
We love testing our vehicles
Look at our vehicle models
30th June 2023
Water Transport
This week Lime Class children have had a lot of fun learning about Water Transport. On Monday, they enjoyed identifying different boats in the video clip Boats Float and talking about a range of boat purposes e.g. fishing boat, car ferry, cruise ship. The children went on to draw and label their own examples of water transport. Their drawings were so impressive! On Tuesday, the children responded to the wonderful story ‘Who sank the boat,’ by Pamela Allen. This was a great introduction to the importance of balance in a rowing boat. The children found it hard to believe that the tiny mouse was responsible for sinking the boat. Once again, the children produced some lovely writing with illustrations.
Floating and Sinking
In Science, the children considered the question, ‘What makes something float or sink?’ They went on to carry out two different floating and sinking investigations. Indoors, they first predicted whether the following objects would float or sink: rubber band, pencil, wax crayon, cotton wool, wooden stick. They then tested the objects and recorded their answers on a table. Outdoors, the children were given the challenge of making a boat out of tin foil and seeing how many 2p coins their boat could hold. It was wonderful to see both the children’s determination to improve their boats and delight with their successes during this investigation.
Learning Through Play
Lime Class children really enjoy our structured activities. Equally[or even more so], they enjoy choosing their own activities and Learning Through Play. It is fascinating to observe the children as they apply their knowledge, interests, curiosity and imagination to a wide range of play activities e.g. making imaginary food dishes in the sand pit, drawing aeroplanes on the whiteboard, drawing rainbows on the outdoor easel, investigating forces with Marble Run and building as a team during Block Play, to name but a few-see photos below.
Star of the Week
This week our Star of the Week goes to Mikey Watson Skinner for producing excellent work for Writing, Maths and Science this week. We love how much you love learning Mikey!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Building Teamwork
Exploring through Marble Run
I can draw a rainbow
Imaginary Sand Play
Our aeroplane expert!
Our floating and sinking investigation is fun.
We can make foil boats to hold coins.
Will it sink or float
Recording floating and sinking results
23rd June 2023
Air Transport
This week Lime Class children have been learning about Air Transport. At the beginning of the week, they enjoyed finding out about How Aeroplanes Fly with Squeaks and Jessi. The children went on to draw an aeroplane using step by step instructions and to label the different parts. We have been amazed at the results! On Tuesday, our learning was focused on what happens at an airport and holiday flights. Later on in the week, the children have been excited to learn How Rockets Fly with Squeaks and Jessi. They have enjoyed labelling their own rockets and colouring them in.
Book Share
We had such a wonderful Book Share on Monday afternoon. It was so rewarding to see how proudly the children spoke to their parents about all the work they have done since the last Book Share in February. The weather was perfect for us so we were able to use both our outdoor and indoor classroom areas. It was equally lovely to see the smiles on the parents’ faces. This year’s Lime Class children certainly love their learning!
P.E. with Mr Passman
In Active Maths this term, Lime Class children have been problem solving with hoops and balls and applying their counting skills up to 10. They have enjoyed completing number hunts on the field, taking distance into account. Mr Passman will further develop their maths skills by incorporating reverse counting into a range of activities. In Athletics this term, the children have learned the discus technique when throwing frisbees and the javelin technique when throwing howlers. Last week, they really impressed Mr Passman with their high jumps. This week, the children have been learning about good running technique and have been developing their running skills. Mr Passman is looking forward to teaching the children how to take part in relay races in the oncoming weeks. Huge thanks goes to Mr Passman for delivering such fantastic P.E. lessons!
Shoebox/Cereal Box Plea
Please can your child bring in a shoebox or cereal box for D.T. next week, as the children are going to be making vehicle models with wheels and axles. Thank you so much!
Star of the Week
This week our Star of the Week goes to Hazel Keen for always completing her work so independently and at such a high standard too. Well done Hazel!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Book sharing indoors
Book sharing makes us feel proud
Freddie is flying over his hurdle
Jago's jumping is amazing
Sofia easily clears the hurdle
We can draw and label an aeroplane
We so love this aeroplane drawing with labels!
16th June 2023
Land Transport
This week Lime Class children have been enjoying a range of fictional stories about Land Transport. On Monday they listened carefully to the delightful story Naughty Bus by Jan and Jerry Oke They drew pictures of their favourite part of the story and thought about the question “ Why is the bus naughty?” The children wrote simple sentences about the naughty bus e.g. ‘The bus went in the baked beans.’ On Tuesday, the children enjoyed the old favourite story Mr Gumpy’s Motor Car by John Burningham. It was lovely to see how transfixed the children were as they watched the video clip of this story. Would the animals manage to push the car out of the mud? Yet again, the children produced some lovely sentences with the help of a word mat e.g. ‘Mr Gumpy’s motor car got stuck in the mud.’ Our third writing stimuli for the week has been another fabulous story by John Burningham: Oi Get Off Our Train.’ This story has led to a wonderful discussion about endangered animals. Lime Class children are so knowledgeable!
Church Visit
On Wednesday morning, the children enjoyed another church visit with Mrs Kerridge. Mrs Kerridge taught the children about the power of prayer and how it is possible to pray in many different ways, for many different things and in many different places. Lime Class children shared their ideas clearly and confidently. Mrs Kerridge was very impressed with their answers. My favourite answer was: ‘I pray when I am on my trampoline!’
Star of the Week
This week our Star of the Week goes to Freddie Compton for completing fantastic writing this week on the Naughty Bus, Mr Gumpy’s Motor Car and Oi, Get Off our Train. We are so proud of you Freddie!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Look at our Mr Gumpy writing
Our transport story writing
Playtime in the Shade
Thank you Mrs Kerrdige for teaching us about prayer
The girls are proud of their Mr Gumpy writing
Writing on our Sutton Bus
9th June 2023
This week Lime Class children have been excited to start their new topic of Transport. As an introduction to the topic, the children watched the video clip Modes of Transport and learned that transport can be sorted into three groups: Air, Land and Water transport. The children cut out a range of transport pictures and sorted them into these three groups. They also drew their own air, land and water backgrounds with the relevant modes of transport which they labelled using their phonics knowledge. We have been so impressed with their work!
Bus Station Role-Play
Lime Class now has a bus station with a bus! Our roleplay area is not quite complete yet and there will be more photos to follow when it is. However, this does not stop the children hopping on board for a mystery tour. It has been lovely to see how the bus has already grabbed the children’s imagination.
Planting Sunflowers
The children enjoyed planting out their sunflowers on Tuesday afternoon. They took great care digging holes for their plants, pushing in sticks to hold them up and watering their plants afterwards. Filling the watering can from our new water butts was an additional treat. Huge thanks to Mrs Hollyman for all the help she has given us with our gardening this term! Mrs Hollyman has green fingers for sure!
Adding Doubles
In Maths, the children love singing the ‘Doubles, Doubles, I can add Doubles’ rap and this has certainly helped them to learn doubles up to at least 10. You may have heard them singing this at home already! This week they have practised writing number sentences for doubles on whiteboards, using multilink cubes as a visual aid.
Star of the Week
This week our Star of the Week goes to Zaccaria Brinkmeier for always putting so much care into his work and for making super reading progress too. Zaccaria also has a lovely sense of humour which we all appreciate. Well done Zaccaria!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Air, Land and Water Transport by Jago
Air, Land and Water Transport cutting and sorting
Air, Land and Water Transport poster drawing
Doubles, doubles, I can add doubles
It's no trouble for me to add doubles!
Sunflower Planting Out
Sunflower Watering
Using our new water butts
We love our class bus!
26th May 2023
Real Superheroes
This week Lime Class children have been thinking about the Real Superheroes in life i.e. People Who Help Us. After listening to the story Real Life Superheroes, the children discussed how people help us in the jobs that they do. They then went on to talk about the jobs they want to do when they grow so that they can also be a Real Life Superhero. We had such a range of jobs: police officer, teacher, postman, mechanic, train driver, fireman, gymnastics teacher, vet, detective, protector and even a V.I. P. The children did some lovely drawing and completed the sentence ‘I want to be a …’
Well-being Wednesday
Yoga Ninja has been our Mental Health Hero for Well-being Wednesday this week. Yoga Ninja’s superpower is doing yoga to calm her mind and body. Lime Class children are already experts at yoga as they do this every day as soon as they come into school. On Well-being Wednesday, they talked about yoga being an exercise both for the mind as well as for the body. They learnt three powerful yoga poses: The Meerkat, The Octopus and The Elephant. They practised breathing and holding the yoga poses to focus their body and calm their mind. The children went on to draw themselves doing their favourite powerful yoga pose. They have done some wonderful drawings.
Star of the Week
This week our Star of the Week goes to Edward Partridge Williams for excellent, independent maths work and good progress in his reading too. Well done Edward!
Have a Wonderful May Half-Term Everyone!
I can draw the Elephant pose
I can draw the Meerkat pose
I can draw the Octopus pose
I want to be a police officer
I want to be a postman
I want to be a vet
The Elephant pose
The Meerkat pose
The Octopus pose
19th May 2023
Our Five Senses
This week Lime Class children have been learning about Our Five Senses with Dr Binocs. On Monday, they went on a Five Senses Field Walk around the school grounds. They found lots of examples for the senses of Sight, Touch, Hearing and Smelling, especially in our sensory garden. The children had their own clipboards for the walk and drew examples which they labelled using their phonic knowledge. On Tuesday, the children recapped on their learning about the Five Senses with Aliki and then went on to complete some excellent sentence writing e.g. I can see…. I can hear…. On Thursday morning, the children have had fun exploring the sense of Touch. After watching a BBC Teach clip about Touch with Dr Brain, the children went to find, describe and sort materials both inside and outside the classroom. They sorted a range of objects into labelled hoops for Smooth, Rough, Hard, Soft, Sticky and Spongy. The children also used their sense of touch to identify 2D shapes and soft toys in feely bag games.
National Numeracy Day
National Numeracy Day took place this week on Wednesday 17th May. Lime Class children enjoyed using maths to count out different moves and steps for a dance with Strictly star and National Numeracy ambassador Katya Jones. Katya broke a very fast, complicated dance into slow, small and easy steps. The children practised these at Level 1, 2, 3 and 4. Finally they could do the dance at Level 5! Katya’s message to the children is that if they are struggling with a maths problem, they can break it into small steps. In this way, they can overcome problems and achieve great things.
Cricket with Mr Passman
Lime Class children have been thoroughly enjoying their cricket lessons with Mr Passman. They have been developing their skills in batting, bowling, fielding, catching and running. Thank you so much Mr Passman for your wonderful PE lessons!
Dr Bubble
Dr Bubble has been our Mental Health Hero for Well-being Wednesday this week. Dr Bubble loves to blow away his worries by blowing bubbles. The children have used their bubble wands to blow away their own worries and think happy thoughts. There is something so magical about blowing bubbles!
Star of the Week
This week our Star of the Week goes to Tate Needham for wonderful, independent writing about Our Five Senses this week. Tate has also made excellent progress with his reading. Well done Tate!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Level 4 dancing with Katya Jones.
Level 5 with Katya is super speedy.
Loving cricket with Mr Passman
Sorting materials indoors
Sorting materials outdoors
Super Senses Sentences!
We use our sense of sight to see things growing.
We use our senses of sight, touch, smelling and hearing in our sensory garden.
12th May 2023
Keeping Safe
This week Lime Class children have been thinking about themselves as Superheroes and the importance of Keeping Safe. We started our learning this week with Super Cat who has taught the children all about Road Safety. The children have learnt a Road Safety Rap: First you Stop and Look from side to side. Then you Listen and Think, that’s the Super Cat guide. The children have completed some lovely drawings of Super Cat and have remembered the rap so well. They have also been learning about Stranger Danger and Safer Strangers. The children have enjoyed identifying and describing people who help us in different situations e.g. Dentists, Doctors, Police Officers, Paramedics… They have matched pictures of People Who Help Us to different scenarios. Further on our Keeping Safe theme, the children have been learning about the importance of talking to a trusted adult if they are worried about anything. After listening to the story ‘Do you have a secret?’ by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos, the children shared their ideas about when it is good to keep a secret and when it is important to share a secret with a trusted adult. Mrs Price and Miss Austin have been so impressed with their responses. The children have also been reminded that everyone is unique and that it is important to be proud of our differences. They have completed ‘All About Me’ posters and shared these with a talk partner.
Lime Class children have been excited to see some seedlings pop up in our mini greenhouse- in spite of a few casualties linked to some greedy snails! We now have some promising sweet pea and sunflower seedlings. We will continue to look after them carefully and fingers crossed for our whole school sunflower competition. Let’s hope that one of the sunflowers from Lime Class can be a winner!
Star of the Week
This week our Star of the Week goes to Arthur Cook for excellent Maths and PSHE work this week. Well done Arthur-we are so proud of you!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
How lovely to grow up to be a mermaid!
Look at our seedlings
The lollipop lady helps me cross the road
We all love this Super cat drawing
We are proud of our Super Cat Road Safety work
5th May 2023
The King’s Coronation
This week Lime Class children have been practising hard for their performance at our King’s Coronation picnic on Friday 5th May. They have enjoyed choosing different musical instruments for the various sound effects in our ‘Come with me to the beach’ song. It has been lovely to watch the children’s confidence grow in their singing, actions and sense of rhythm as they take turns to create the different sound effects heard at the beach.
Art and Crafts
The children have been enjoying a range of activities linked to the King’s Coronation this week, including writing, decorating crowns and assembling Union Jack pinwheels. Lime Classroom has certainly been a busy area this week with lots of excitement too.
Church Visit
On Wednesday morning, the children enjoyed an outdoor Church curriculum session with Rev. Alex and Mrs Kerridge. The lesson was led by Rev. Alex and focused on the power of doing lots of little things to make the world a better place. For every ‘good action’ suggestion, a wooden block was added to Rev. Alex’ tower. Lime Class children gave so many examples of how to make the world a better place, that the tower soon became big and strong. Many thanks to Rev Alex for such a wonderful lesson on the Kingdom of God!
Have a Happy Coronation Weekend Everyone!
Crown decorating is a lot of fun.
Pinwheel pleasure!
Look at our sunflowers
Painting sunflowers requires concentration
Rev Alex is so impressed with the children's answers.
We love sticking on jewels, shapes and feathers
We love wearing our crowns
27th April 2023
Superhero Writing
This week Lime Class children have really impressed Mrs Price and Miss Austin with their Superhero writing. They wrote descriptions of Supertato’s super powers in the story Bubbly Troubly by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. It was lovely to see so much enjoyment on the children’s faces as they listened to this delightful story. Their Supertato drawings were amazing too! Super Daisy: And the peril of Planet Pea by Kes Gray and Nick Sharratt has been another really popular writing stimulus this week. The children have done such a good job of describing Super Daisy, who is as faster than an astro rocket, fiercer than a cosmic tiger, stronger than a lunar elephant and smarter than a space alien from Planet Brainbox! We have now a fantastic Superhero writing display. The children are proud to identify their work.
Over the past two weeks, Lime Class children have been learning to build and identify numbers to 20 using a range of resources, such as tens frames and counters, Numicon shapes and cubes. They have been matching pictorial representations of 11-20 to their corresponding numeral. The children have learnt that these numbers are made up of 1 full ten and some more ones. They have also been identifying missing numbers from 10 to 20, ordering these number too, counting on in ones to 20 and back to 0.
Sunflower Paintings
Lime Class children are waiting patiently for their sunflower seeds to grow but there has been no sign of anything happening as yet. Meanwhile, the children have been learning to paint their own sunflowers, First they watched a Step by Step Acrylic Painting video. After this, they have painted their own sunflower onto wooden discs, using acrylic paints. The sunflower discs look wonderful and are now on display around Lime Class grow bed.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Max Mendelssohn for excellent sentence writing-using finger spaces, capital letters and full stops; Excellent reading progress too! Well done Max!
Have a Happy Weekend Everyone!
Finding missing teens numbers
Making teen numbers with Numicon
Ordering teen numbers
Superhero Writing
We can make teens numbers in different ways.
21st April 2023
Our New Classroom
We have been so excited to welcome the children back for the Summer Term with our new topic of Superheroes and a new classroom too! Mrs Price was busy in the holidays getting the classroom set up. It has been lovely to see and hear the children’s responses to their fresh learning environment.
Our role play corner is now a Superhero Rescue Centre. The children have been enjoying dressing up either as customers in need of rescue or superheroes. We have nine different superheroes whose services cost anything between 3p and 10p. Customers choose a superhero and explain their need for rescue to staff members. They pay accordingly and with a POW, the superhero appears to save the day. We have already had some imaginative scenarios e.g. A fireman customer requests the help of Superman to climb to the top of a high building to put a fire out. The children have also been enjoying responding to the fabulous Supertato stories by Sue Hendra and have completed excellent writing on this too. They have also been completing superhero identity forms. We love reading their ideas.
It was the turn of Lime Class to do Gardening Club this week with Mrs Hollyman. This is always a very popular activity. On top of Gardening Club, the children have been doing their own Lime Class gardening. On Tuesday afternoon, the children planted potatoes and carrot seeds in our Lime Class grow bed. They also planted sunflower seeds and sweet pea seeds in individual pots. Mrs Hollyman has kindly arranged for us a mini greenhouse so our seeds have a safe place to germinate. Our school is going to have a sunflower growing competition. Let’s hope that Lime Class can have some winners! Thank you so much Mrs Hollyman for all your care and hard work!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Kacy Dance for sharing her ideas so confidently and for showing such kindness to her peers. Well done Kacy for making such good progress!
Have a Happy Weekend Everyone!
Our new classroom is ready and waiting
Lime Class is happy now!
Our seeds are now ready and set to grow
Our seeds will be safe in our mini greenhouse
Planting sunflower seeds
Superheroes to the rescue!
The fireman needs Superman's help to put out the fire
We are at your service
31st March 2023
Easter Crafts
Lime Class children have been busy on Easter crafts this week. Mrs Price and Miss Austin have been really impressed with the way the children have tackled the weaving challenge for their home made Easter cards. They all needed a little support to start with but they soon got the hang of it. Some children didn’t want to stop! We hope you too are impressed with their cards. The children also had great fun making Easter crowns this week and choosing stickers to decorate them. It was lovely to see these crowns being worn with such pride both in the classroom and at home time. There has been great excitement linked to the Mr Grassheads after their hair sprouted over the weekend. There was definitely a feeling of awe and wonder in Lime Class when the children first caught a glimpse of the green grass hair. We hope that the children continue to water their Grassheads over the holidays. It would be amazing if you could take a photo of the wild hair progress over Easter and email it to:
Active Maths and Football
Mr Passman is delighted with the children’s interest, application and progress in Active Maths linked to Football. Over the year, Mr Passman has been teaching the children to apply their counting skills in a range of Active Maths activities. This half term, they have been combining maths with football and loving it! Mr Passman has been amazed at the children’s progress with a range of football skills e.g. dribbling in and around cones and controlling the ball to stop it and change direction using the drag back turn skill. Huge thanks goes to Mr Passman for his great teaching, enthusiasm and encouragement.
Football Club
The children of Lime class are now invited to attend the football club run by Mr Passman on the school field each Wednesday straight after school. An email with information and booking details has been sent out as well as a physical copy of the letter in book bags.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Idris Khalique for making wonderful contributions in our RE discussions and for making such a great improvement on his letter formations. Well done Idris-we are so proud of you!
Easter Holiday Reading
Lime Class children have all been given two books to practise over the Easter holidays. Please make sure that your child does continue to practise reading these home/school books. Your support in this is invaluable.
Have a Great Easter Holiday Everyone!
Crowns, Grassheads and Easter Weaving 1
Crowns, Grassheads and Easter Weaving 2
Easter Stickers galore
Making Easter Crowns
We are learning all about ball control
We can dribble in and out of cones so well
We can stop the ball and change direction
Weaving demands so much concentration
24th March 2023
The Parable of the Sower and Growing Mr Grasshead
This week Lime Class children have been reflecting on Jesus’ parable of the seed sower. One day Jesus told a parable of a farmer who went out to sow. Some of the seed fell on the path, others on the rocks, whilst some others fell amongst the weeds but there were some that fell on the good soil. The farmer represents God and the seed is His message. The children thought about how seeds grow best in good soil and that we should strive to be the good soil for God’s message. As a link to this seed story, the children have made their own Mr Grassheads out of pop socks, seeds and soil. The joy the children have shown in this activity is incredible. They can’t wait for the grass hair to start growing!
Church Visit with Rev. Alex
On Wednesday morning, the children enjoyed a fantastic Easter church visit with Rev. Alex. We had such a lovely sunny walk down to All Saints’ Church. The children admired the beautiful spring flowers, the blossom and bird song on the way. Rev Alex greeted us and led us to the first of three Easter scenes that he had prepared especially for our visit. The first scene was a table set out on the floor as ‘The Last Supper’. The children listened in awe and wonder as Rev. Alex told them how Jesus held the Last Supper so that his disciples would remember him. The second scene was a cross with red ribbons flowing from it, dice, nails and a sponge on a stick. In this scene, the children were asked to think about things that might make people sad. The third and final scene was the empty tomb, representing the resurrection. These excellent visual props have had such a positive impact on the children’s learning. The following day, the children drew pictures of what they had learned. Huge thanks goes to Rev. Alex for preparing such a wonderful church lesson!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Edward Hollyman for being such a kind, hardworking and well behaved member of Lime Class. Well done Edward for being such a star!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Bubble blowing is so much fun
Making Mr Grassheads requires lots of concentration
Mr Grassheads waiting for their hair to grow
Our Church Visit with Rev. Alex
Such a lovely bubble show
Thank you Rev Alex for teaching us about Jesus
The soil goes in after the seeds.
We put grass seeds in first of all
17th March 2023
Mindful Magic
Last Monday Lime Class children enjoyed a wonderful Mindful Magic session with Allie Nuttall. There were several aspects to the session, starting with some Mindful Movement which the children loved. Allie then led some Mindful Breathing with the help of a colourful breathing ball. The children responded so well to this and it definitely had a calming effect on all the children. Allie went on to read the fabulous story of The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas- and talk about the range of feelings that we all experience. Finally, the children made their own Feelings Spinners by using different colours to represent different feelings. Lime Class children are now used to identifying feelings and talking about them on a daily basis with our classroom Feelings Flowers. Allie’s session has reinforced this practice in a very effective way. Thank you Allie and thanks also to FOSS for organising such a beneficial visit!
Noah’s Ark
The children have also enjoyed responding to the Old Testament story of Noah’s Ark. Noah’s Ark by Lucy Cousins is a beautifully illustrated version of the story which has captured the children’s imagination so well. They have completed a range of Noah’s Ark activities, including cutting and sticking, number ordering, writing, drawing and rainbow painting. Miss Brooker has made a fantastic Noah’s Ark display with the children’s work. It is lovely to see how proudly the children point to their own contributions on the display. Thank you so much Miss Brooker!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Hazel Keen for having such a positive attitude towards her learning and making super progress in Reading, Writing and Maths as a result. Well done Hazel!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
A late World Book Day photo
Hazel loves to use her feelings spinner
Learning about the colours of the rainbow
Mindful breathing helps us to feel calm
Mindful Magic helps the children to be steady and calm
Our Noah's Ark Display
The animals went in two by two
The breathing ball helps us with mindful breathing
10th March 2023
World Book Day
Lime Class children had such a wonderful World Book Day celebration on Monday. It was lovely to see their excited faces as they came into school dressed up either as a book character or as themselves in non-school uniform. The children then went on to have a fantastic Reading Adventure at Crow Castle with their Subject Revolution workshop which was tailored perfectly for their age and reading ability. The workshop was excellently led by Lumino [Martin] who set the children clue based reading tasks. It was fascinating to observe the children’s confidence and independence grow as they got the hang of the different tasks. They used their phonic knowledge so well to build the words that allowed them to unlock padlocks to reveal mystery words in boxes. The children worked brilliantly in four teams. After every task, they came back together only to find out that a cheeky dragon had been nosing around Lime Class! He kept popping up on the whiteboard. Finally, the children were able to work out the secret message ‘Magic mirrors scare the dragon.’ Once the children had shared the message with the dragon, he disappeared magically in a flash! This has really grabbed the children’s imagination and they still keep talking about the dragon! This was indeed a fabulous workshop!
Thank You Foss!
Lime Class children have been delighted to receive a set of board games by courtesy of F.O.S.S. this week. This has linked in perfectly with our Wellbeing Wednesday theme of Problem Solving. After thinking about the benefits of being able to solve problems, the children went on to work beautifully in teams on puzzles and board games. Huge thanks goes to F.O.S.S. for adding such valuable resources to our classroom!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Sofia Rahman for having such a positive attitude towards her learning. Sofia is such an eager participant in our class discussions and has made huge progress in her conversational skills. We are so proud of you Sofia!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Listening to the Queen of Crow Castle
Thank you FOSS for all our new games.
The clue is soft or ...
This reading adventure is so much fun
Unlocking the padlock is so exciting
We can unlock the padlock on our own.
We have found the clue to the mystery word
3rd March 2023
Spring is here!
This week, Lime Class children have been celebrating the arrival of spring. Unfortunately the cold temperatures seem to be in disagreement! At the beginning of the week, the children drew pictures and wrote sentences about the charming story ‘The Thing about Spring’ by Daniel Kirk. In this story, Rabbit feels sad that winter is coming to an end. Bear, Bird and Mouse do their best to persuade Rabbit to feel happy about spring. This story has really grabbed the children’s imagination. Another favourite story for the children this week has been ‘Good-bye Winter, Hello Spring’ by Kenard Pak. Yet again, the children have impressed Mrs Price and Miss Austin with their beautiful Winter and Spring drawings and labelling. On Thursday, the children went on a Signs of Spring Hunt in our school grounds. In spite of the cold weather, they have been able to tick off lots of items on their checklist.
The Robinson Family Role Play
Our Role Play theme this half term is based on The Robinson Family as featured in the Oxford Reading Tree stories. The children have been enjoying dressing up as Mum, Dad, Biff, Chip or Kipper and acting out some of the stories. We even have our own Floppy dog. This theme has lent itself so well to developing both reading and writing. The children have been copying sentences from the ORT books into shared notebooks and reading sentences to one another. This is wonderful to observe!
Parent-Teacher Meetings
Parent-Teacher Meetings will take place on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st March. Please make sure you fill in the form showing your preferred times and complete the survey on the reverse of the form. Many thanks.
Wellies for Forest Friday
As many of our children took their wellies home at Christmas, we are now short of wellies in school for Forest Fridays. Please can you make sure that your child has a named pair of wellies in school? Many thanks!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Zaccaria Brinkmeier for always completing his work with great care and for showing such good listening and speaking skills in class discussions.
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Biff is busy today
Dad and Biff fix the roof. Kipper and Floppy are watching
Look at the birds'nests
Looking for bugs but it is a bit cold for them
We can see lots of buds
We can tick off the daffodil on our checklist
We like to practise our writing
Welcome to our house!
Writing on the whiteboard is fun
23rd February 2023
Seasons, Months and Days of the Week
Out topic this half term is Easter. As an introduction to this topic, the children have been learning about the four seasons. At the beginning of the week, their knowledge of seasons and seasonal changes was fairly limited. By the end of the week, the children have been able to confidently name and describe the four seasons. The children have also been learning to recite the months of the year and the days of the week. They have drawn birthday pictures of themselves and completed a sentence about the date of their birthday e.g. My birthday is on 10th June.
Learning Through Singing
Lime Class children love to learn through singing. This catchy Seasons Song has really helped the children to picture the different features of seasons. The Months of the Year Song and The Days of the Week Song with The Singing Walrus have also been a key feature in the children’s learning.
In Maths this week, Lime Class children have been exploring the composition of 6, 7 and 8. They have investigated different ways of making 7 by arranging dots on dominoes and different ways of making 8 by arranging spots on ladybirds. As an independent activity, the children have enjoyed exploring the composition of 6, 7 and 8 using Multilink e.g. The children have found out that there are 9 ways of making towers of 8 using 2 differently coloured Multilink cubes.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Jago Kinns for showing very good scientific knowledge when sharing his ideas in our discussion about the four seasons. Jago has also been practising his reading well at home and as a result is making good progress. Well done Jago! We love your enthusiasm!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Exploring different ways of making 8
Finding different ways of making 8 with 2 colours
Look at our work on seasons
Matching pictures to seasonal trees
We can confidently match pictures to seasons
We know our birthday dates
10th February 2023
Book Share
Lime Class children were so proud to show parents their books at Book Share on Monday afternoon. It was lovely to see the children talk so enthusiastically about their work and reflect on their learning since the beginning of the school year. They have certainly come a long way since those first school days!
Safer Internet Day 7th February
For Safer Internet Day, the children first watched a video clip about the puppets Red and Murphy who talk about what it feels like when being online becomes too much. They try meditation and conclude it is important to take a minute, switch devices off and talk to a grown up. The children also enjoyed listening to a story about Smartie the Penguin who learns how to be safe on the internet. By the end of the story, Lime Class children were able to recite the following safety message: ‘Before you tap and click...You need to stop and think… and TELL someone.’
Children’s Mental Health Week 6th-12th February
As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, the children have been thinking and talking about their favourite hobbies with the well-being monster Vinci. They have drawn pictures about their hobbies and written short captions. The children have responded so well to the story The Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright which has helped them to deal with worries by talking about them.
Dinosaur Dioramas and a Volcanic Eruption!
This week the children have added volcanoes, trees and boulders to their dioramas. They have put so much care into their creations, which have clearly given them lots of pleasure. Our Dinosaur topic has clearly grabbed the children’s interest and imagination this half term. Our volcanic experiment on Thursday has certainly given the children a scientific ‘awe and wonder’ experience. What a fabulous end to this fascinating topic!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Freya Hughes for being such a cheerful, creative and hard working pupil. Freya has worked especially hard on her diorama and has achieved a fantastic result! Well done Freya!
Happy Half-term Everyone!
Painting our volcanoes
Adding lava to our volcanoes
Feeling Creative and Proud
Look at our Dioramas
Look at my work Mum.
The sun shone on Book Share Day
WoW-after the eruption
3rd February 2023
Dinosaur Dioramas
What a busy, creative week it has been for Lime Class! The children have loved putting on their red aprons to get stuck into painting and gluing for their dinosaur dioramas. After looking at several ‘make your own dinosaur diorama’ video clips at the beginning of the week, the children couldn’t wait to create their own. It has been lovely to hear the children talking so excitedly throughout the different stages of their creations. This week, they have assembled their boxes, painted a landscape background, added a river and clouds and decorated the outside of their dioramas. Next week, they will add rocks and boulders, trees, dinosaurs and an erupting volcano! The dioramas will go home with the children next Friday.
This week, Lime Class children having been learning about Measures in Maths. They have used the balance scales to make comparisons and show heavier than, lighter than and balancing. They have enjoyed investigating how many cubes they needed to balance a plastic dinosaur. This activity has linked so well to our topic and has also been great counting practice for everyone. The children have also been learning about recognising full and empty and measuring capacity. They have enjoyed the challenge of fitting as many items as possible inside a given shape. The children soon learned to fit the items close together and that choosing small items was also a clever strategy. Lime Class have finished the week by taking part in the NSPCC Number Day. They have practised their counting skills and learnt about symmetry whilst completing a butterfly decorating activity.
Church Visit
The children enjoyed an ‘almost Spring’ walk down to the church on Wednesday morning. How heartening it was to spot so many daffodil shoots on our way to the church! Mrs Kerridge gave the children an interesting talk about Pancake Day and the meaning and purpose of Lent. The children responded so well to her questions-especially when asked about their favourite pancake filling!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Zhanna Joseph for being such a kind, hard working pupil. Well done Zhanna for making so much wonderful progress-especially in reading, phonics and writing. Thank you for bringing so much positivity into Lime Class!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Painting the landscape background
Adding a river and clouds
Lots of PVA glue will make the river shiny a
Heavier things tip the balances
I can make the scales balance using a toy dinosaur and cubes
Look at our dinosaur fossils
Trying to fit as many items as possible into the house shape
27th January 2023
What Dinosaurs Ate
This week Lime Class children have been learning to sort dinosaurs according to what they ate millions of years ago. On Monday, they sorted a selection of dinosaurs into Carnivore, Herbivore and Omnivore on a Venn Diagram. Mrs Price and Miss Austin were amazed to hear the children not only name the dinosaurs correctly but also describe them as either Carnivores, Herbivores or Omnivores. Our Dinosaur Topic has certainly grabbed the children’s interest and imagination.
Looking After Our Teeth
After having learnt about the difference between the sharp teeth of a carnivorous dinosaur and the blunt, flat teeth of a herbivorous dinosaur, the children went on to think about their own teeth. How should we look after them? What steps can we take to have healthy teeth? The children sequenced the different stages of brushing teeth and completed a simple writing activity about this. They have also learnt about the benefits of visiting the dentist and avoiding eating too many sugary foods. Lime Class children confidently sorted foods that can be either harmful or beneficial to teeth.
Well-being Wednesday
Our Well-being Wednesday theme this week has been on Friendship. The children have met Fleeta who is a very happy and friendly monster. The children have drawn pictures of their special friends in Lime Class and described their different friendship qualities. It is lovely to reflect on how well these friendships have developed since September.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Mikey Watson-Skinner for excellent Maths work this week and for sharing his ideas so confidently in class discussions. Well done Mikey! You have made so much all round progress since the beginning of the school year.
Dinosaur Dioramas
The children are going to be making Dinosaur Dioramas next week. We will need plenty of shoe boxes for this. Please can your children bring in a shoe box or sturdy box to class on Monday? Thank you so much in advance!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Lime Class Friendships
Lots of peg board fun
Making a dinosaur and volcano scene on Forest Friday
Playdoh fun with Miss Brooker
Practising being a dentist
Sorting dinosaurs under Carnivore, Herbivore and Omnivore
Sorting healthy and unhealthy foods for teeth
We love our Lime Class friends
You have to open wide at the dentist's
20th January 2023
Mary Anning
This week Lime Class children have been enjoying learning about Mary Anning and her amazing contribution to science. They have listened to lots of interesting facts by watching the clip Mary Anning-Fossil Hunter and have written their ideas in simple sentences. The children have shown great interest in learning about fossils. Several children have expressed their desire to become palaeontologists and want to get digging straight away!
Salt Dough Dinosaur Fossils
The children have been busy making salt dough fossils. First they learned how to measure out plain flour, salt and warm water and then mix the ingredients together. The children had fun then kneading the dough and pressing it out on the table before making imprints with a range of dinosaur cutters. Mrs Price was very impressed to hear every child give the correct name of their dinosaur fossil e.g. “My dinosaur fossil is a Stegosaurus.” The fossils went for a bake in our school oven so they were ready to be painted on Thursday morning. The children have enjoyed mixing various shades of brown for this final stage. They are really proud of the results!
Dinosaur Jam Sandwiches
We had a sandwich themed Wednesday morning this week. After listening to the wonderful story The Disgusting Sandwich by Gareth Edwards and Hannah Shaw, the children went on to make their own dinosaur shaped jam sandwiches with Miss Brooker. Mrs Price and Miss Austin were amazed at how independent the children were when sequencing the different stages of making a jam sandwich. We hope the children enjoyed eating their sandwiches when they got home from school!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Kacy Dance for sharing her dinosaur knowledge so confidently in class and performing so confidently in music lessons too. We so love your joyful nature Kacy!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Dinosaurs love to play in Lime Class!
I am making a Stegosaurus jam sandwich
Mixing salt dough is fun
Spreading butter and jam is not as easy as it looks
We can mix different shades of brown
We love painting our dinosaur fossils.
We need muscles to knead the dough
13th January 2023
Lime Class children are loving their new topic of dinosaurs. This week they have developed their knowledge of dinosaurs through a range of power points, video clips, songs and stories. The children have been writing simple sentences about dinosaurs using key words and Level 2 phonic strips e.g. ‘The dinosaur is big’ and ‘The dinosaur can fly.’ Their writing skills are developing so well. It is lovely to observe the children gradually becoming more independent as they complete their work.
The Jurassic Cafe
Our Jurassic Café role-play corner is indeed a hive of activity. After working in small groups with Miss Austin at the beginning of the week, the children are now able to take on the different role-play characters e.g. dinosaur customers, chef and café staff members. A café staff member makes sure that the open sign is visible to customers. Dinosaur customer take a seat at their table and read the different food options: T-Rex Burger and Lava Chicken have been very popular this week! The waiting staff write orders down on special dinosaur note pads and pass the order to the chef in the kitchen. Our chefs take great pride in their cooking and often serve the food to customers themselves. It is wonderful to see how many different skills the children learn as they are immersed in our Role-Play Area!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Sofia for amazing Phonics and Maths work this week. We are so proud of you Sofia!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
I have ordered my ten dinosaurs correctly.
Let me write down your order sir.
Look at our tasty menu!
One T-Rex burger please
The Jurassic Cafe is open for business
These dinosaurs are loving their Herbivore Burgers!
We are proud of our dinosaur writinga
We have a top chef at The Jurassic Cafe!
6th January 2023
Welcome Back Lime Class!
It has been so lovely to see Lime Class children so happily back at school. They have clearly all had a wonderful Christmas break. It was great to see so many fresh and enthusiastic faces on our first day back. We started our Well-being Wednesday with a new Monster theme. Every week, the children will meet a different monster who will help them develop their social and emotional well-being skills. This week, the children met Hilo, the Self-Esteem monster. The children learned that it is important to feel good about themselves. They thought about what they were good at doing and shared their ideas with a talk partner. Here are a few of their ideas: I am good at… running, swimming, cooking, drawing, reading, basketball, my letters and finding things. We all have experienced the high level of self-esteem achieved when we eventually find something!
The children are very excited to start their new topic of Dinosaurs. They did some amazing dinosaur writing with a drawings on Thursday. Mrs Price and Miss Austin are very impressed with how much dinosaur knowledge the children already have!
Reading for pleasure has a very positive impact on educational performance. The UK government’s Education Research Standards Team tells us, “Evidence suggests that there is a positive relationship between reading frequency, reading enjoyment and attainment.” As a parent this is great news - reading with your child can be a fun and simple way to support their education, whatever their age.
Many thanks to all parents who hear their child read as often as possible and write comments in the home/school diary. Your contribution is invaluable to your child’s progress at school.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Zaccaria Brinkmeier for excellent reading practice over the holidays and super dancing during our music lessons. Zaccaria brings lots of joy to Lime Class!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Busy Learning Through Play
Jago feels proud about his Maths
Look at our Dinosaur Writing Display
Sharing Our Holiday News
Tate feels proud about his running
Zhanna feels proud about her cooking
16th December 2022
Let it Snow…
What a cold, snowy and icy week it has been! We have so missed having a full class for the last week of term due to these extreme weather conditions. Thank you to those who have sent photos of snow day fun and home learning. Very well done to those children who managed to come into school! The village of Sutton has certainly looked a picture but it will look even better when we get back to normal [no snow]!
Water and Ice Investigation
On Tuesday, we set up a water and ice investigation in Lime class playground. We had four bottles with equal amounts of water in them. We chose different places in the playground for our bottles to stay all day and all night. On Wednesday, we asked ourselves the question: Would the water in each bottle be frozen? If not, why not? Out of the four different places, there was only one bottle with frozen water. Freddie’s bottle was placed in the centre of the playground and was the most exposed. The children concluded that the other bottles had been given some sort of shelter: the wooden fairy house, the wooden herb garden box and the shelter of the tree in the sensory garden. On Thursday, Mrs Price checked the bottles first thing in the morning and guess what? They were ALL frozen! We decided that we had had an extra cold night! This investigation has really encouraged the children to answer and ask questions in a scientific way.
Thank You All So Much!
Huge Thanks to all Lime Class parents for the wonderful Christmas gifts to Mrs Price, Miss Austin, Mr Passman, Miss Brooker and Mrs Chapman. We are all overwhelmed by your generosity. We are all thrilled with the progress our children have made since the beginning of September and look forward to welcoming a full class on Wednesday 4th January 2023!
Christmas Holiday Reading
We have given the children two reading books for the Christmas holidays. Please make sure that your child keeps practising their reading. This will make such a difference to their reading confidence and overall progress in learning across the curriculum. Many thanks for your support!
Wishing You All A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
I put my bottle of water in the middle of the playground.
Let us tell you about our water and ice investigation
Merry Xmas!
Our school on Snow Day
The water bottle in the fairy house did not freeze.
The water bottle in the herb garden did not freeze.
The water bottle on the bench under the tree did not freeze.
Yay! The playground water bottle is frozen solid!
9th December
Phonics and Writing
Lime Class children have really enjoyed learning Level 2 Phonics through Twinkl Phonics this term. They have responded well to a range of stories about Sam and Kit as they introduce new letter sounds. The children enjoy using the different letter sound actions and letter formation rhymes. This has really helped them to develop their reading and writing skills. This week, the children have completed writing activities on two different Meg and Mog stories: Meg’s Christmas and Mog’s Mumps. It has been so lovely to see the children’s confidence grow as they use their phonics to spell words independently and write simple sentences e.g. ‘Meg got a hat.’
Sutton Challenge Awards
Thank you all so much for supporting your child with the Sutton Challenge Award Scheme. We are delighted to say that every child in Lime Class will be receiving either a Bronze, Silver or Gold medal. The children have been so proud to share their achievements with the rest of the class. Sutton Challenge Awards will be presented in school next week.
Thank You F.O.S.S.
Many thanks to F.O.S.S. for treating all Sutton pupils to another enchanting show by the very talented puppeteer Andy Lawrence from The Theatre of Widdershins. Lime Class children loved watching Rapunzel and the Tower of Doom last Friday and have excitedly retold memorable moments of Andy’s puppet show this week.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week goes to Hazel Keen for making fantastic progress in her phonics, reading and writing. Well done Hazel!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Andy Lawrence and his Amazing Puppet Show
Christmas Colouring by Number
Making Our Christingles
Meg's Christmas Writing
Mog's Mumps Writing
Our Travelling Crib-Thank You Mrs Kerridge
2nd December
Celebrations Topic
This week, Lime Class children have been learning about the importance of the Menorah in Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Light. They practised their pencil control skills by joining dots for the seven branches of the Menorah and then colouring in their drawings. Mrs Price and Miss Austin were so impressed with their efforts. On Wednesday, we were delighted to welcome Daniella Doon-Joseph [Zhanna’s Mum] to Lime Class. Daniella talked to the children about how Diwali and Christmas are celebrated in Trinidad and showed the children some fabulous photos. Daniella brought in a bottle of sorrel drink made by Zhanna’s Dad. Trinidad Sorrel is a popular Christmas drink made out of hibiscus, cinnamon, cloves and sugar. All Lime Class children had at least a tiny taste of the drink. There were mixed reviews but we think the majority gave a thumbs up! On Thursday, the children first listened to the Story of Christingle and talked about what Christmas means to them. Later on in the morning, Mrs Kerridge came into school and helped the children make their own Christingles for our lovely Christingle service at All Saints’ Church.
Sutton Challenge Awards
Please remember to submit the evidence for your child’s Sutton Challenges before next Monday 5th December. We are hoping to award lots of Lime class children with Bronze Medals [4 challenges met], Silver Medals [8 challenges met] or Gold Medals [12 challenges met]. Evidence can be in the form of photos with captions, booklets, word documents or power point presentations. This can be submitted as a hard copy or through email to : The children get so much out of these challenges and love sharing their achievements with the rest of the class.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week goes to Edward Partridge Williams for being a cheerful member of Lime Class who has been working hard lately on his Maths, Reading and Singing and making great progress. Well done Edward!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Learning about Trinidad with Danielle
Look at our snowflakes
People in Trinidad enjoy a sorrel drink at Christmas
This sorrel drink tastes a bit different
We are learning how Diwali is celebrated in Trinidad
We think the majority is a thumbs up!
Winter clothing cutting and sticking
Winter Ready!
25th November 2022
This week, Lime Class children have been learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali and the Buddhist festival of Vesak. As a class, we reflected on the similarities and differences in the festivals we have studied so far in our Celebrations topic. Food certainly features at the heart of most festivals! This week we have thought about the importance of candles, food, peace, love and joyful celebration for both Diwali and Wesak.
Art and Crafts
The children have been busy being arty crafty this week. On Monday, they made wonderful patterns out of squares, circles and triangles for their Rangoli plates. The Rangoli represents the happiness, positivity and liveliness of a household. The children learned that Rangoli patterns are often made during Diwali. On Tuesday, when learning about the Buddhist festival of Vesak, the children made colourful hand suncatchers. It is lovely to see their suncatchers in our class window at the front of the school. Can you spot the heart shapes too?
Sutton Challenge Awards
Please remember to submit the evidence for your child’s Sutton Challenges before 5th December. We are hoping to award lots of Lime class children with Bronze Medals[4 challenges met], Silver Medals[8 challenges met] or Gold Medals[12 challenges met]. Evidence can be in the form of photos with captions, booklets, word documents or power point presentations. This can be submitted as a hard copy or through email to : The children get so much out of these challenges and love sharing their achievements with the rest of the class.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week goes to Tate Needham for showing so much interest in his learning, making super progress and showing kindness towards his peers. Well done Tate!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Our colourful hands catch the sunlight so well!
Such colourful Rangoli Patterns!
We are learning to make up and follow pattern rules.
We are making the base for our hand and heart suncatchers.
We are so proud of our Rangoli patterned plates!
18th November 2022
Anti-Bullying Week 14th-18th November
This year’s theme for Anti-Bullying Week from The Anti-Bullying Alliance is: ‘Let’s come together and Reach Out to stop bullying.’ On Monday morning, Mrs Chapman delivered a whole school Anti-Bullying assembly linked to this theme. Lime Class children listened so well and shared ideas confidently during the assembly. The story Topsy and Tim Help a Friend has been another way of helping the children reflect on how they can Reach Out to stop bullying. The children’s drawings and discussion work has reflected a good level of understanding.
Eid Celebration
Out topic this term is Celebrations. So far, we have focused mainly on Birthdays, Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day. This week, the children have been learning about the celebration of Eid for Muslims. On Tuesday, the children enjoyed some Ramadan craft by making their own Moon and Star paper plates. On Wednesday, Dilara Khalique came in to teach the children more about the Islamic faith and the celebration of Eid. The children enjoyed learning about Ramadan fasting, seeing photos of Idris’ and Sofia’s family celebrating Eid and learning about Islamic clothing and prayer mats too. The highlight of the morning was indeed the delicious Pulab[chicken and rice] that Dilara prepared for us. This was served with dates. Most of the children enjoyed this tasting experience. Thank you so much Dilara!
Church Visit
Later on Wednesday morning, the children enjoyed another school visit to All Saints’ Church. Mrs Kerridge talked about promises and why it is important to try to keep promises. She talked about God’s promise to always love us and help us. The children were so respectful and well behaved. We all had a lovely walk down to the church and were so grateful for the lovely, sunny weather.
Sutton Challenge Awards
Please remember to submit the evidence for your child’s Sutton Challenges before 5th December. This can be in the form of photos with captions, a word document or power point presentation. This can be submitted as a hard copy or through email to : We are so looking forward to seeing how the children have been meeting those challenges!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week goes to Freya Hughes for always putting lots of care into her work and for sharing her ideas more confidently in class now. Well done Freya!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Dilara has made Delicious Pulab with Dates for us all
Dilara shows us an Islamic prayer mat and rug, special clothing and head gear
Eid Celebrations are so much fun!
It is Forest Friday and we are ready for anything
Leaf Angels!
Making our Ramadan Moon and Star plates
Most of us LOVED the Pulab!
So much delicious food for Eid!
11th November 2022
Bonfire Night
On Monday, Lime Class children were excited to recount their experiences of Bonfire Night on Saturday 5th November. The CBeebies Bonfire Night Clip and Bonfire Night Quiz helped the children learn more about Guy Fawkes and the reason we celebrate on Bonfire Night. The children went on to make their own firework pictures using PVA glue, salt and watery paint. They had such a great time making swirly patterns with the glue and watching the watery paint fizz as it came in touch with the salt covered glue.
Remembrance Day
The children have enjoyed buying the different poppy resources for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Thank you so much for your kind donations. After watching the Cbeebies Remembrance Day Clip, the children showed a clearer understanding of why we wear poppies at this time of the year. They have taken great care over completing outlines for their own poppies and colouring them in. It is so rewarding to see how much pride the children are now taking in their work.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week goes to Sofia Rahmen for showing lots of enjoyment in her learning and sharing ideas. Well done Sofia!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Make swirly shapes with glue
Add salt to the glue
Add watery paint to the salted glue. Watch as it fizzes
Look at our Firework Display!
Decisions, decisions
Taking lots of care with our poppy drawings
We are so proud of our poppies
We love the poppy shop
4th November 2022
How lovely it has been to welcome our Lime Class children back to school after October half term! It is wonderful to see how keen the children have been to get back to their learning routines. To start off our Celebrations topic this half term, the children have been focusing on Birthdays. On Tuesday, the children enjoyed the story How many sleeps ‘till my Birthday? by Mark Sperring. In the story, Little Pip gets impatient waiting for his birthday, whilst Daddy Grizzle secretly plans a huge birthday surprise for the baby bear. As a class, we talked about how exciting it is to have a birthday. We referred to our class birthday display and worked out whose birthday is next. There are no class birthdays until December 13th when Zhanna is the lucky girl! The children went on to design their own birthday cakes in a cutting and sticking activity. I want two birthdays by Tony Ross has been another popular birthday story this week. Lime Class children have all agreed that having just one birthday every year makes it extra special!
The Party Place
The children are loving making up their own celebrations in our role play corner called The Party Place. At The Party Place, we have a chef to make delicious meals and waiting staff to serve those meals to our guests. The guests put on their glad rags and find their purses before paying 5p for their meal tickets. As an extra activity, we provide props for our Photo Booth. Our resident photographer has taken some stunning photos of our glamourous guests!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week goes to Freddie Compton for showing so much interest in our learning, especially phonics. We so appreciate how well you listen and respond in lessons Freddie!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
A good chef tastes the food first
Designing Birthday Cakes
Grab a Prop and Strike a Pose
It is all happening at The Party Place
Pretty in Pink
Welcome to The Party Place
21st October 2022
Animal Topic
This week Lime Class have been learning to match young animals with their mothers. The familiar story of Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson has been a lovely way to introduce this topic. The children showed their understanding well when they matched young animals to their mothers in a cutting and sticking activity. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle has been another of our favourite stories this week. The children practised their drawing and colouring skills on Tuesday by drawing their own caterpillar and colouring in a caterpillar picture too. On Thursday, the children watched a factual clip about the Life Cycle of a Butterfly. We were amazed at how many facts the children were able to remember. They enjoyed completing butterfly life cycle diagrams afterwards too.
Leaf Man
The children had a lovely time with Miss Brooker and Mrs Jess on Tuesday afternoon. They first listened to the wonderful story Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert and then went on to create their own leaf men. The children were so proud of their creations.
October Half Term
Congratulations to all Lime Class pupils for making such a wonderful start to school life! It has been so rewarding to hear so many positive comments about the children’s progress and enjoyment of school at our parent consultations this week. The adults working in Lime Class have all commented on well the children have now settled. It is also heartening to observe the growth of friendship and empathy within the class.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week goes to Jago Kinns for making such amazing all round progress this half term. We love your joyful enthusiasm Jago and your knowledge about animals is amazing too!
Have a Lovely Half Term Everyone!
Caterpillar Colouring
Creation Pride
Happy Leaf Art
Look at these Leaf Men!
My leaf man is cool
We can draw our own caterpillars.
We can match young animals with their mothers
Happy Half Term Everyone!
14th October 2022
Fairy Tales with Animals
This week Lime Class have been thinking about the role of animals in Fairy Tales. The children have enjoyed listening to the familiar stories of Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. They have been joining in with the story telling too. Their gruff wolf and bear voices and squeaky little pig voices have developed so well over the week! The children have completed a range of drawing, sequencing, cutting and sticking activities linked to fairy tales throughout the week. This is all helps to build an understanding of story structure for writing.
Twinkl Phonics
The children are really enjoying their daily Twinkl Phonics lessons. With Twinkl Phonics, the children learn a new sound every day with the characters Sam and Kit. They follow different Sam and Kit stories as the letter sounds are introduced. They also learn different actions for every sound and a different phrase to help them learn how to form their letters correctly. This week, the children have been learning about the letters and the sounds for c, k, ck and e. They really enjoy their whiteboard work at the end of the lesson when they practise letter formations. The progress the children have already made is wonderful!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week goes to Edward Hollyman for being such a polite, cheerful and enthusiastic Lime Class learner. Well done Edward!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Around the egg and under the cup
Cutting and sticking for Red Riding Hood's basket
Learning to spell words with 'ck'
Look at our Goldilocks drawings
Sorting natural materials on Forest Friday
We are proud of our Goldilocks drawings too
7th October 2022
School Diversity Week
Lime Class have been enjoying a wide range of Diversity stories this week and thinking about the importance of celebrating differences. We started off the week with the ever popular Elmer the Elephant by David McKee. The children loved colouring in their own patchwork elephant and thinking about what makes them proud and unique. Happy in Our Skin by Fran Manushkin was a lovely end of the day story for the children. We talked about how magical our skin is-how it keeps everything in and mends itself if we have a fall. The children loved showing their scars and relating their accidents! The children have also listened to Goldilocks and the Five Bear Families by Olly Pike when Goldilocks delivers letters to lots of different bear families in the village. The children drew their favourite part of the story. There have been some fabulous bear drawings. Red, a Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall is a beautiful story with a powerful message and has helped the children understand how important it is to be true to oneself. For our Global Learning Day on Friday, the children have enjoyed talking about similarities and differences of the animals in the colourful story The Same but Different Too by Karl Newson. They have gone on to discuss similarities and differences shared by one another. This week has been full of lots of valuable reflection-a positive celebration of our own uniqueness.
Matching in Maths
The children have been having lots of matching fun this week. They have been matching socks and buttons. They have also been enjoyed playing a matching dinosaur game and making their own matching towers out of Multilink.
Christmas Card Designs
We hope you like the children’s Christmas card designs. These were made in different stages as we started them last week. We love how individual they all are. The Santa faces are fabulous! Remember to get your orders in before Friday 14th October.
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week goes to Max Mendelssohn for being such an enthusiastic learner with lovely manners too! Max is doing especially well with his reading. Well done Max!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
It is time to paint Santa's face
Adding some finishing touches
Goldilocks and the five bear families
Matching socks in Maths
We are proud of our Elmer colouring
Mixing paints for different skin colours
We have made our own matching towers
Yoga is a great way to start our day
30th September 2022
Book Share
Lime Class had such a lovely time at our Book Share on Monday. It was so lovely to observe the children excitedly showing their parents around our classroom and pointing out everything they have been doing. Their confidence has grown so much since they started school only a few weeks ago. It was good to see so many happy parents too. Well done Lime Class-we are already so proud of you all!
Hand Print Display
The children have been doing hand prints this week for our wall display at Lime Class gate. They have also been practising to write their names using correct letter formations. We are sure you will agree that the display looks fabulous.
WoW Board
We have a WOW display board in our classroom to celebrate any special achievements/celebrations the children do/experience at home. We have already got one photo to go up on our board but we need lots more. Please send us a photo of your child with a short description to:
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week goes to Arthur Cook for having such a positive attitude and for making such amazing progress already. Well done Arthur!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
I chose yellow for my hand print
I have chosen red for my hand print
I have fun in my class Dad
Lime Tree Vets is open
Look at the house Mum!
This is my favourite costume Dad
Watch me drawing Mum and Dad
23rd September 2022
Nocturnal and Diurnal Animals
This week Lime Class children have been learning about Nocturnal and Diurnal animals. In the rhyming story Night Monkey, Day Monkey by Julia Donaldson the children have been able to identify the animals that were active during the night and the day time animals too. As a class, we have drawn up a list of nocturnal and diurnal animals. The children have gone on to complete a cutting and pasting activity linked to their learning. Our cutting skills are gradually developing! Later in the week, the video clip All About Owls has really captured the children’s interest. Mrs Price and Miss Austin have been so impressed by how much information the children can remember! After listening to the beautiful story Owl Babies by Martin Waddell, the children have completed their own 2D shape owl picture and identified the shapes they have used.
Forest Friday
The children love their Forest Friday afternoons with Miss Austin and Miss Brooker. They have a lovely time doing a wide range of activities e.g. den building with natural materials, creating pictures using natural collage materials, counting natural objects, combining natural objects to make potions… the list goes on. Forest Fridays are not complete without story time with Miss Austin!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of the Week goes to Zhanna Joseph for being such a kind, positive member of Lime Class. Well done Zhanna!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Look at what is on my leaf!
Loving our Willow Tree Home
So much cutting concentration!
Sorting Nocturnal and Diurnal Animals
Story Time on Forest Friday
16th September 2022
Penguins and Jellyfish
Lime Class children started off the week learning about Emperor Penguins linked to our baby Emperor Penguin Pip Pip who hatched out of our mysterious egg last week. They showed lots of interest in the story The Emperor’s Egg by Martin Jenkins. Mrs Price and Miss Austin were really impressed with the children’s recall of penguin facts after listening to the story. In R.E. this week, the children have been thinking about the question ‘Why did God make jellyfish?’ They have performed actions to a Jellyfish Song, learned interesting jellyfish facts and made their own jellyfish using paper plates, paint and cupcake cases [see photos].
Our Feelings
The children have also been learning to recognise and describe feelings. They have thought about the colour of feelings in the stories The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas and What Colour is Love? by Linda Strachan. We have a lovely caterpillar in our classroom called Kipsy from our PSHE programme called Making Me. Kipsy helps the children to manage their feelings and is always there to give them cuddles if they are feeling sad or upset. They have been introduced to our Feelings Flowers display. We have talked about how feelings change and it is okay to have different feelings. The children have been asked to move their named photo to the flower that best describes their feeling: Happy, Okay, Angry, Worried and Sad. In this way, we are able to identify the children who need a bit of talk time and also keep a check on levels of happiness and well-being.
Our Trim Trail
The children have listened carefully to the safety instructions linked to our Trim Trail and are now enjoying this wonderful balancing experience. We can already see an improvement in their confidence and balance. It is lovely to see how much fun the children have doing this too!
Star of the Week
Our first Star of The Week has gone to Idris Khalique for making such an amazing start to school life, showing super listening and caring skills. Well done Idris!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
A Jellyfish Invasion!
Butterfly Colouring
Counting out 5 tentacles
Jellyfish Making
Lime Class Smiles
We show our feelings on our Feelings Flowers
9th September 2022
Welcome Lime Class 2022-23!
Well done to all our Lime Class children for making it through their first week of school! We are all so proud of you. Thank you also to all parents for all your support with bringing in named water bottles, wellies and spare clothes. The children have worked hard this week on organising their belongings. Our home time routine has been gradually getting easier as the week has gone on!
Home/School Reading
This week the children have brought home books without text. Please encourage your child to retell the story in their own words by looking at the pictures and write your comments in the reading diary. The teacher/parent comments are of great benefit to your child’s reading progress as they provide a bridge between school and home reading. There are very useful suggestions at the front and back cover of the reading books to prompt effective questions for discussion. Once the children display confidence in recognising some letters and letter sounds, they will move onto books with simple text linked to their phonics learning in school
Our Topic of Animals
On Monday, the children really enjoyed listening to the story I Want a Pet by Lauren Child. In this story, a little girl [Jane] can’t make up her mind which pet to buy. In the end, the pet shop lady gives her an egg to look after. On Tuesday, the children in Lime Class were amazed to find a mysterious egg with a letter from Jane asking them to look after the egg for her as she has had to go on holiday. They all had a think about which animal could be growing inside the egg. Could it be… a Bird? Dragon? Dinosaur? Chicken? Tiger?! The educational picture book Chickens aren’t the only ones by Ruth Heller helped the children to learn more about different egg laying animals. On Thursday, the most exciting thing happened. The egg and hatched and out popped a baby girl penguin! At first she was really frightened to be in Lime Class but the children are being so kind to her that she is feeling so much happier now!
Star of the Week
This week’s Star of The Week goes to Idris Khalique for making such an amazing start to school life, showing super listening and caring skills. Well done Idris!
Have a Lovely Weekend Everyone!
Drawing happiness
Jago keeps our egg warm
Penguin painting
Play doh fun!
We love outdoor play
We're going on a bear hunt
Wow! It's a baby penguin!
to feel calm.