Sutton V.A. Primary School

Sutton Lower School

Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School

Oak Class News


17th January 2024

This week in maths we have been focusing on subtracting fractions. The children have explored subtracting a fraction from a fraction and mixed numbers. The children are becoming more confident with converting fractions to equivalent fractions before subtracting.
This week in English the children have been editing and publishing their Big Writes from the last half-term. The children have written wonderful, creative Dreamgiver stories, ready to read to the group should they wish.
This week the children were visited by the NSPCC to have their workshop. The workshop focused on the different types of abuse and how to use our trusted adults for support. The children impressed me with their knowledge and behaviour throughout the session.



10th January 2024


This week in maths we have been finishing off our fraction topic, by adding mixed numbers and fractions.



This week in English we have been finishing our Big Write Stories that we started before the Christmas holidays.


It has been wonderful to see the children enjoying their bikeability sessions. The children have learnt how to stop, complete a road turn, signalling and how to move round a junction. See some pictures below.



13th December 2024



This week in maths we have been exploring ordering and comparing fractions using our times table and equivalent fraction knowledge. The pupils then moved onto adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.


This week in English we have been exploring character descriptions of the Dreamgiver. The children have been considering, noun phrases, adjectives, onomatopoeia, similies and prepositional phrases. The children then went onto create and describe their own Dreamgiver character for this narrative Big Write next week.


This week the children had a taster fencing session. They were taught how some defensive and offensive moves. Fun was had all round.

Christmas Dinner

Finally, this week it was so great to have Christmas dinner with Oak class. See some of our pictures below.



6th December 2024


This week in maths we have been continuing our learning on fractions. The children have been exploring equivalent fractions, converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and comparing fractions less than one.


This week in English the children moved onto their new writing topic inspired by a film animation. The children worked on a character description using rainbow writing.


The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit from Widdershiens – some photos are below of his show.

Making Me Workshops

Oak class were visited by a ‘Making Me’ representative where they were exploring how to be resilient. The children were brilliant and had some great ideas to share. The pupils then went onto how they can look after themselves and who to talk to when things don’t always go the way they had planned.





22nd November 2024


This week in maths we have been finishing our multiplication and division topic. We have been exploring revising cube numbers, multiplying and dividing by 10/100 and 100 and using factors pairs to support us with multiplying larger numbers. Pupils completed their mini assessment and many improved from the previous score. Next week we are moving onto the first fractions topic of the year.


This week in English we have been continuing with the Spider and the Fly Poem. We have identified alien sentences within the poem – picking out whether the sentence has a subject and verb. The children have matched coherent sentences and have been introduced to sentence colour blocking. We finished the week by starting to plan our next Big Write for Spider and the fly which will be completed next week.

Curriculum in Church

This week the children were visited by Reverend Alex who delivered a session about the seasons with Church.

Book Share

It was great to see so many parents attending book share this week. The children thoroughly enjoyed showing their learning to you.



15th November 2024



This week in maths we have been working through the multiplication and division unit. We have been exploring, factors, common factors, prime numbers, square numbers and cube numbers. The children were able to use practical resources when exploring square and cube numbers.


This week in English we have been continuing with the Spider and the Fly poem. We looked at an adaptation of the poem through a book. The children liked how the illustrator used a variety of illustrations to bring the poem alive. We have also been working on subject to verb correspondent, as well as using persuasive expanded noun phrases.

Road Safety

This week the pupils were visited by Phil Bloor from Central Bedfordshire. Phil delivered an assembly on road safety to the whole school. He then worked with Oak and allowed the pupils to explore a virtual reality experience. Phil also left the pupils with road safety boxes. The children have been working with reception class to deliver road safety sessions.

Shine Together

This was the second Shine Together led by Group B pupils. It was brilliant to see them working with Rev Alex to develop Shine Together. Taking ownership over the story, theme and songs within the planning session. The children were nervous, but delivered a brilliant Shine Together service. Thank you to those parents that came to watch.


Finally, we finished our RE topic about Humanism and Christian values. The pupils created a powerpoint about the values that are important to them and how this would translate into rules for their world. This week the pupils managed to present them to the class.

It has been a very busy week in Oak!





25th October 2024


This week in English we have been reading and reviewing the end of Beowulf. The children have then been revising their reading techniques of retrieval skills within our guided reading book. We are going to be continuing Pig Heart Boy after the half-term as we still have a few pages left to read.


In maths this week we have been recapping some addition and subtraction techniques from last week’s test paper. We have explored missing number problems, bar models and two step addition and subtraction problems. The children then completed another mini-assessment, many pupils improved their previous score. After half-term we will be moving onto multiplication and division.


This week is art we have been exploring Rocco and modernist art. The modernist art style is using primary colours with black and white. The children planned their art piece and recreated their piece onto a canvas.

We have had a great half-term of learning and here are some of the children’s best bits:

  • “The Rococo styles are one of the best things we have learnt,” By Mylo.
  • “My favourite part is when we completed our biographies of people who we looked up to,” By Jessica.
  • “My favourite part so far this year is reading our class book in English,” by Elliott C
  • “My favourite part this year has been improving in our maths tests,” by Roberta.

Hope you all have a fantastic half-term!


18th October 2024


This week in our English lessons the children have been working towards their second Big Write. This Big Write was focused around creating their own biographies. The children researched, planned and wrote some wonderful examples of their chosen person. The children worked on their editing skills and wrote this up in neat.


This week in our maths lessons then children have been continuing their work on addition and subtraction. The children have been using this knowledge to apply their learning to problem solving questions and finding missing numbers. The children completed their second mini-assessment and are ready to start our multiplication topic after the half-term.


This week in art we have been exploring rococo patterns. The children enjoyed recreating rococo patterns using pencils only. The children were using skills such as:

  • -Looking carefully at the shapes they are drawing and coping these accurately.
  • -Drawing light lines, and not pressing too hard with the pencil.
  • -Adding smaller details within the drawing to fit the style of rococo.

You can see some examples here.


11th October 2024


This week in maths we have been consolidating the column subtraction method. We have been exploring a range of word problems and missing number problems.


This week in English we have been exploring features of biographies. All pupils have chosen a person to write about. This week we spent some time considering subheadings and researching our information.

Shine Together

This week group A pupils led their first Shine Together assembly with Reverend Alex. It was great to see the children getting involved with the planning and implementation of the service. The pupil really impressed me. Group B will be completing their Shine Together in November.

Humanist Talk

Today we had a visit from two humanist – Ian Smith and Charles Baily. Both follow the values of humanism. It was great to have these visitors, as our RE topic for this half-term is Humanist and Christian values. The pupils listened well and thought of some great questions to ask. Ian and Charles then introduced the children to a variety of fossils from their collection.













4th October 2024


This week in maths we completed our mini assessment for place value with some excellent results. We have then moved onto our next math’s topic, addition and subtraction. Within addition this week we have been exploring mental strategies around partition numbers and using known facts, such as 4 + 2 = 6. The pupils then moved onto revising the formal written strategy. There was good accuracy when using this. Finally, we ended the week with introducing the formal written strategy for subtraction.


This week in English we have been looking at persuasive writing around the question ‘Do you feel sympathy for Grendel’s mother?’. We used the text to retrieve evidence to support our answers and then wrote our own persuasive piece. The pupils then edited this piece to reflect subject and verb agreement.


This week was our first art lesson of the half-term. We explored known paintings to the children and investigated the style that the artist has used. We tried to recreate the smooth and rough style by using oil and soft pastels. Some examples are below.

Play Leader Training

Finally, Mr Blunt joined us this week to revisit their work on play leader. The pupils worked with the Year 4 pupils to learn many different games to teach to the younger children of the school. I was very impressed with their cooperation.





27th September 2024


This week in maths we have been exploring rounding to the nearest 10/100/1,000/10,000/100,000 and 1,000,000. Children have been using place value charts as well as number lines. Some pupils were able to see the pattern and rules when rounding. We have also been looking at comparing numbers using greater and less than.


This week in English we have been working on editing and improving our Big Writes from last week. The children have been introduced to Grendel’s mother and getting vengeance for her son.


During RE we have been exploring humanist’s beliefs and values. Humanist believe that anyone can live a good life: both people who are religious and those who have no religious beliefs. This week we have been exploring how the Golden Rule within the humanist religions also applies to other religions too. The children created their own Golden Rules posters for which rules are important to them. Some examples are below.





20th September 2024



This week within our English lessons we have been working towards our first Big Write. The children have been exploring features of newspaper reports, interviews and how to plan a report. The children have written some great informative pieces about the trouble Grendel has been causing to the town of Heorot.


In maths this week the children have been working on partitioning numbers up to 1,000,000. Children have been working on flexible partitioning as well as the traditional way. We have also been adding and subtracting mentally and placing numbers onto a number line.


This week we introduced the children to Stormbreak, our new wellbeing program for schools. We completed our first Stormbreak which was ‘Cross Country Challenge’ which taught us how to be resilience as well as having meaningful movement. The children really enjoyed their Stormbreak and keep asking when the next one will be!

Star of the week

This week’s star of the week goes to Ethan for his hard-work in maths lessons and a brilliant first Big Write. Well done Ethan!



13th September 2024

This week in Oak we have been very busy during our first full week back at school. It has impressed me how well they have settled back into school life at Sutton Primary.  In maths we have be working on reading and writing numbers to 1,000,000. The children have been using place value charts as well as mental arithmetic. Our English lessons have focused around the book of Beowulf and the battle between Beowulf and Grendel. The children have begun to create character profiles for both.

During our second science lesson the pupils have been researching different gestation periods of mammals. The children have been working on independently researching on our newly purchased laptops. Some pupils began to compare lengths and decide whether they were longer or shorter than a year.

Finally, it was great to be back in Church for our first Shine Together of the academic year. The children impressed me with their knowledge and understanding of the school values.