Courageous Advocacy
What is Courageous Advocacy? Click here to find out what this provision is like in our school.
Hawthorn Class
This week in school, the children have been looking at Courageous Advocacy. The week began with a Whole School Collective Worship where the idea of what courageous advocacy is was introduced. The children have learnt throughout the week about people who have made a huge impact on others through using their voices when they feel that there is an injustice.
Hawthorn began by looking at people who we can call courageous advocates such as Marcus Rashford and Greta Thunberg. They explored what attributes these people must have and completed a mixing deck, visually demonstrating this with a partner. They also explored what their own core values are and how others have an influence on them. The children went on to produce collages of what their ideal world would look like and shared what they would like to see happen.
Hawthorn also took part in a live lesson by the Picture News Team. Over 1000 schools across the country joined in with this. They explored British Values and celebrated differences.
The final activity of the week linked with the Anti – Bullying week theme of ‘Make a Noise’. They explored whom they could ‘make a noise’ to if they felt troubled or witnessed a form of discrimination.
The children have really engaged with this topic during the week and have produced some lovely pieces of work. They are energized to help make a change.
Larch Class
Our focus, this week, has been on Courageous Advocacy which has tied in very well with Anti-Bullying Week. First of all Larch Class thought about being courageous and reflected on times that they have had to show bravery and the feelings that go along with it. To understand speaking out for others and making a stand, we enjoyed some role play from some of the year twos, where Adam overheard some unkindness and intervened. The rest of the class then discussed how they might be courageous advocates. We have created a tree outside the classroom which we have built up over the week. Likening ourselves to a healthy apple tree, we thought about early influences in our lives – our roots, before moving up the tree to reflect our uniqueness in the trunk and then on to how we live the values, on the leaves, before finally thinking of occasions we could be courageous advocates.
Our History lesson was linked to our focus when we began to learn about Mary Seacole, who demonstrated Courageous Advocacy through her work in Crimea. We have used other examples of famous people both past and present who have stood up for those others.
Lime Class
For Anti-bullying Week this year, all pupils at Sutton School have been learning about the term ‘Courageous Advocacy.’ Mrs Chapman introduced this concept first thing on Monday morning, during Collective Worship. She explained to the children that a ‘courageous advocate ’is a person who is brave enough to speak up for a cause that is important and meaningful to them. More information about Courageous Advocacy can be found on the Christian Aid website.
In Lime Class, the children were all given a blank tree template. They filled the trunk with drawings of what makes them happy. In the roots of the tree, they wrote the names of people who are important to them. In the leaves of the tree, they drew pictures of themselves showing kindness e.g. I give flowers to my mum; I share toys with my brother; I give my friend a birthday present. Throughout the week, the children have continued to think about the importance of working as a team and making sure that no-one feels left out. In the story ‘Topsy and Tim Help a Friend by Jean and Gareth Adamson’, Topsy and Tim show courageous advocacy by telling the teacher about some bullying that has been happening to their friend Stevie. The teacher is then aware of the situation and able to sort the problem out. To finish off the week’s activities, the children have created a wonderful Lime Class picture with all the children showing each other friendship by holding hands. They have also created their own ‘I am unique because…’ statements to celebrate diversity within the class. We are all so proud of their work this week!
Celebrating our differences
Fun with a team singing game
Look at our Love Trees!
Singing and keeping the beat as a team
We are all different and special in Lime Class.
Working as a team with the parachute